Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Love

Dear Campers,
Happy Wednesday!  You have made it through half your week!  I know that you are drinking your water, eating healthy and nutrition packed foods and soaking up the beautiful weather.  Did you enjoy sleeping in a bit this morning?  Be sure to get in bed by 9:00 pm tonight.  You must get at least 7 hours of sleep for your weight regulating hormones to kick in.  You HAVE to do this for your health and happiness. 
Our theme for this camp is "Living With Boundaries...Loving Without."   The scripture for reflection this camp comes from 1 Corinthians 13.  So far we have learned that love is patient (long suffering...I still think that is funny!) and kind.  I really had to remind myself to be "long suffering and kind" yesterday as I found myself in a hurry to get home and ended up behind a little old lady driving a really big Cadillac.  We were moving at the lightning fast speed of 13 mph all the way down Acton Hwy!   I was alone in my car chanting, "be kind, be kind, be kind"  over and over again.  As the moments passed (slowly), I began to feel so proud of myself for being so patient and kind with this little lady but then I had the sad realization that exhibiting patient and kind behavior should be my rule, not my exception to the rule.  This should be my everyday behavior, not just for a special, lesson learned.  Today I am thankful for that little lady because she taught me something about myself, about the way I want to be, the way I want to live my life and all the work I have to do to get there.    I have set a new boundary for myself.  I am going to smile and wave at all those little old ladies and hope that someday, someone else will be long suffering 40 years from now when it's me behind the wheel!   In sharing this story with you I hopethat you smiled and decided to build the same boundary.   *We can keep each other accountable, OK?  Boundaries are a healthy part of keeping ourselves in check and our relationships healthy.  In the Middle Ages, castles were built with a vast series of boundaries to keep the ruling king and queen safe.  I can't help but wonder if the king and queen ever felt trapped by the very thing was built to keep them safe.  I know there are a few boundaries that I have built around myself that have kept me trapped in a place where I was not growing and evolving daily.  These are the boundaries that I am working to tear down.  On the flip side of that I am also aware that there are some areas that I need to "shore up" or create a new boundary in an effort to keep my relationships, my habits, and my actions healthy and rewarding.   This is exactly how God so graciously give us free will to build our own boundaries.  Isn't that amazing!
As boundaries relate directly to RBC, you have shattered the boundary of getting up at 4:30 am to exercise!  Way to go!  That "5:00 am thing" is a huge wall for so many to get over and you have conquered it....great job.  I hope that in breaking down that boundary you have discovered new healthy habits, new friends and new hope in your abilities!  Are you needing to build a few boundaries in your actions and behaviors that may be holding you back from meeting your goals for RBC?.  If your goal is weight loss, you have to put a boundary on your food intake.  If your goal is to get stronger, your have to use heavier weights.  Maybe it's time to say either "YES" or "NO" to certain behaviors.  It all depends on where you put your boundary.  Where's it going to be?

See you dark and early,

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