Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Boot Camp tomorrow...

Dear Campers,
I just wanted to remind you that a new camp, "Living With Boundaries and Loving Without," starts tomorrow at 5am.  This is a great way to treat your heart and maybe your Sweetheart to happiness, health and humor!  Think about is kinda funny that we do what we do, isn't it?!  This will be a 4 week camp that will meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Can you believe that Spring Break is only 4 weeks away??!!   The scripture guidance this camp will come from 1 Corinthians 13.  This is the chapter on LOVE.  Since this camp begins on Valentines Day, I thought that the emphasis on LOVE and heart health would be fitting. 
The first day of each new camps brings a bit of chaos to the scene, so for all of you getting this email, I want to give you a run down of how I would like it to happen.  Please help me with the new campers!   If I already have a registration form on file for you, there is no need to fill out a new one.  I will have a simple "sign in" sheet in the kitchen window.  Just sign in.  If you are bringing a friend be sure to introduce them to me and let me help them get a registration form to fill out.  My dream for RBC is to keep it simple.  If you have your money tomorrow, great!  If you have it the next day, great!  If you don't have it and and NEED RBC, then great!  No worries...remember that "stop the stressing and see the blessing" thing??!!  Whatever you have, whenever you have it, just put it in the envelope.  As I had mentioned in an earlier email, I will be encouraging everyone at RBC to take a weekly moment on the scales.  I will have four different scale stations.  After you arrive, put your things in your spot (maybe try a new spot this camp?!), get signed in and the head to one of the scale stations.  I will have pens and paper at each station.  You can choose "shoes on" or "shoes off."  Just be consistent each week.   Record your number and take it with you.  Put it in your dumbbell bag and set your intention to either loose or maintain your weight for the next week.  Each week, be sure to weigh in on the same set of scales!  After our devotion time tomorrow we will begin the workout.  We are not going to administer an official fitness test this session.  Come ready to rock! 
I always look forward to our time together and continue to anticipate what God has in His plan for Revival Boot Camp.  See you dark and early.


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