Thursday, February 17, 2011


Happy Thursday Campers!
Well, you climbed three mountains this morning that were filled with lunges, rows, bicep curls, tricep extensions and punches!  Isn't the view from the top spectacular?  Great job.   I will get to see you again tomorrow for our 4th workout of the week and I know that you will find it both challenging and fun.   Tomorrow morning I need you to visit the kitchen window and put your name on the appropriate sheet that matches the t-shirt size that you want to get for this camp. The t-shirts for this camp will be short sleeve and pink (ok, know that real men wear pink, right?)  I will admit that pink is a departure color for me as well, but change is GOOD!  I am also going to bring all the left over t-shirt that I have from previous RBC sessions.  They are $5 if you would like one.  The sizes are scattered so get there early if you want to claim one! 
This morning in our devotional time, we highlighted that love does not envy.   Envy is an emotion that separates us from God and from those around us.  Many times envy turns into anger.  Anger builds walls that are constantly closing in all around us.  These walls or boundaries prevent us for seeing the situation from other perspectives than our own.  The same very boundary that can hold anger in, can keep peace and resolution out.  This is the day to do an "envy evacuation" for all of us.  Get rid of it and allow envy to be replaced with love and see how the entire situation heals with God's grace.   I know I certainly have work to do.  I am going to use 1 Corinthians as my new "if this happens, then I am going to.........." philosophy.   I want LOVE to shape my actions and set healthy boundaries for me and God has given us the "quick start" version of how to do this.

Get to sleep at 9:00 pm tonight and see you dark and early.  I am going to have the scales again tomorrow, so get yourself a pre-weekend check-in.  Be sure to remember the scale number that you were using!  Remember, weight management is setting a healthy boundary for yourself.


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