Sunday, February 6, 2011

This week's plan...

Dear Campers,

I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!  I miss RBC!!!!!!!  I will never complain about getting up early again, ever!  I sit here at the mercy of Mother Nature planning on seeing you Tuesday and Thursday of this week.  This will complete the Redefined Boot Camp session and we will revamp the following week (Feb. 14) for the next camp.  I know you are already hearing of the weather threat on Wednesday.......just chill, and let's see what happens.  If we can't meet on Thursday, then we will meet on Friday.  

Enjoy the sunshine while we have it and not matter what comes our way, remember how blessed we are to have people that we love and people that love us!  Let's all choose to be complainless! (Yes, I made it up!) 

Stop the stressing and see the blessing,

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