Sunday, February 13, 2011

Finale Friday

Redefined Campers,
I am so excited about giving you your T-shirts tomorrow!  We will end this session with a power-packed workout that will leave you energized and redefined in so many ways.  When I wrote the curriculum for the REDEFINED boot camp, I want to assure you that record breaking cold weather was not what I had in mind!  Many of us briefly lived without electricity or water.  Some experienced broken pipes and water damage.  I know that I began to feel like being "stuck" at home limited the choices of what I was going to do with MY precious time.  I was inconvenienced, my plans were changed, I was cold and I didn't like it one bit!   I some how morphed into a cranky toddler with an insatiable appetite for sugar!!  Instead of being able to "go, go, go," I was told "no, no, no!"  Due to external factors, God created a opportunity for me to internally REDEFINE who I am, who I want to be and see the direction that I want to be going in my life.  I believe that it is in these moments of inconvenience that we truly begin to "REDEFINE" who we are and find the way to really grow where we are planted.  How did the last few weeks redefine you?  Did you enjoy a break from your packed schedule?  Did you spend some quality time with your family?  Did you get caught up on project that had been put on the back burner or did you just allow yourself to just be still?  When Carter and I went out early one morning to play in the snow, I was amazed at how silent the world was.  The stillness captured my attention.  It was delicious to my ears and my soul.    I have been REDEFINED and will certainly try to "stop the stressing and see the blessing" in every situation. 
Have you seen the beautiful weather that is in our forecast?  This weekend will be prefect for each of us to reset our thermostats and revamp for our next RBC session.  The next session will be a 4 week/ 4 days per week camp.  This will allow us to be off during the week of Spring Break.  We will meet on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.  This camp will be "Living With Boundaries, Loving Without."  I am going to bring back the scales to experience.  Weight loss/management is one of the many reasons for attending boot camp and so I am going to address that "white elephant" in the room.  This will be done in complete private (I will not even know your number) so don't freak out!  It is health related boundary in our lives that we all must keep in check. 
Remember that tomorrow is "bring D.O. for no B.O." day.  Your small acts of kindness are so appreciated. I cannot say thank you enough.  Also, you are always welcome to bring a friend and share in the power of friends focused on faith and fitness! (wow - that's kinda a cool motto, huh?)  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

See you dark and early,

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