Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday plan

Hi Campers -
What a beautiful day!  Isn't it wonderful to see the sunshine?  I hope that you are feeling a bit recharged as we prepare for this next cold snap.    Tomorrow at RBC is "Pack The Pantry" day for us.  Please bring canned goods, dry pasta, rice, bean or peanut butter to camp tomorrow.  This is such a small thing that we can do to make a huge impact on someone else's life.  I challenge everyone to bring 3 items.  I will have a big bin at the gym door.  I would love to see it to overflow!  

Our mission project for Thursday (or whenever we meet!)  is a project for the 5th graders at Bacus Elementary School. Each year the 5th graders are supplied with a basic hygiene kit when they show the kids "THE FILM!"  This year, the kits did not have deodorant samples in them.  I would love for RBC to be able provide 86 5th grades with deodorant!  I am going to divide the gym in half... if you are on the kitchen side of the gym, please bring for deodorant for males and if you are on the other side, please bring deodorant for females.  This is such a small, yet effective, way to make an impact in our community.  I would love it if EVERY 5th grader in Granbury could get a Revival Boot Camp blessing.....we will take it one school at at time. 

Thank you for everything!  See you dark and early.

Stop the stressing and see the blessing,

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