Thursday, February 24, 2011


8 count sprinter - 8 count plank.........  You rocked this morning!  Enough said!!!

Until dark and early tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Just letting you know that the new video is posted on Facebook!  Big thanks to the amazing Menielle Donahoo for creating such fun for all of us to see.  I also wanted you to know that RBC was given a huge THANK YOU by our church Food Pantry!  You brought over 300 pounds of food!   Revival Boot Camp is all about fantastic people creating positive changes within themselves and for others, ahhhh.....I am so thankful and so happy! 

See you dark and early tomorrow,

Monday, February 21, 2011


Dear Campers,
Wow!  Do you realize that you did over 1000 squats this morning?  What a fantastic feat of strength and stamina you showed as you moved back and fourth across the gym.  Didn't the new wax on the floor look beautiful?  We have to be sure to take extra good care of it, so be sure to bring that extra towel for your dumbbells and water to rest on.  If you forget to bring it, then you can just hold your dumbbells the ENTIRE time......ok?  I am going to give you one more chance to sign the T-shirt roster tomorrow and then I am sending the final order. 
The Don Williams song (covered by Brandon Rhyder) that I spoke of this morning has continued to resonated with me all day.  The chorus is, "Lord, I hope this day is good.  I'm feelin' empty and misunderstood.  I should be thankful Lord, I know I should, but Lord I hope this day is good."   During my drive to Stephenville this morning I was confronted by my misunderstanding about the sudden death of a very dear man in my life.  The moment was so beautifully painful.  There was absolutely no boundary between my emotions as the tears turned to laughter and then back to tears again.   I could feel the grace of God in the situation.  Ken Diehm taught me that my spiritual life could be expressed though my love of physical activity.   He showed me that being on a bike, either alone or with friends, was a great way to experience God's enduring love for us all.   Ken gave me the courage to try things that I never thought I could do.  His enthusiasm for life was contagious.   I will always remember him saying, "just one more hill...before the next one and the next one!"    I had the opportunity to ride my bike over 800 miles with this great man.   He spoke my language; he made me tick!  I am so thankful for the seeds Ken planted in me.   This man made a difference in my life.  Please continue to keep this family in your prayers as they move through this difficult time with God's comforting presence.  It is a good day.  Thank you for allowing me to share my grief, my joy and gratitude.
See you dark and early tomorrow,

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Happy Thursday Campers!
Well, you climbed three mountains this morning that were filled with lunges, rows, bicep curls, tricep extensions and punches!  Isn't the view from the top spectacular?  Great job.   I will get to see you again tomorrow for our 4th workout of the week and I know that you will find it both challenging and fun.   Tomorrow morning I need you to visit the kitchen window and put your name on the appropriate sheet that matches the t-shirt size that you want to get for this camp. The t-shirts for this camp will be short sleeve and pink (ok, know that real men wear pink, right?)  I will admit that pink is a departure color for me as well, but change is GOOD!  I am also going to bring all the left over t-shirt that I have from previous RBC sessions.  They are $5 if you would like one.  The sizes are scattered so get there early if you want to claim one! 
This morning in our devotional time, we highlighted that love does not envy.   Envy is an emotion that separates us from God and from those around us.  Many times envy turns into anger.  Anger builds walls that are constantly closing in all around us.  These walls or boundaries prevent us for seeing the situation from other perspectives than our own.  The same very boundary that can hold anger in, can keep peace and resolution out.  This is the day to do an "envy evacuation" for all of us.  Get rid of it and allow envy to be replaced with love and see how the entire situation heals with God's grace.   I know I certainly have work to do.  I am going to use 1 Corinthians as my new "if this happens, then I am going to.........." philosophy.   I want LOVE to shape my actions and set healthy boundaries for me and God has given us the "quick start" version of how to do this.

Get to sleep at 9:00 pm tonight and see you dark and early.  I am going to have the scales again tomorrow, so get yourself a pre-weekend check-in.  Be sure to remember the scale number that you were using!  Remember, weight management is setting a healthy boundary for yourself.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Love

Dear Campers,
Happy Wednesday!  You have made it through half your week!  I know that you are drinking your water, eating healthy and nutrition packed foods and soaking up the beautiful weather.  Did you enjoy sleeping in a bit this morning?  Be sure to get in bed by 9:00 pm tonight.  You must get at least 7 hours of sleep for your weight regulating hormones to kick in.  You HAVE to do this for your health and happiness. 
Our theme for this camp is "Living With Boundaries...Loving Without."   The scripture for reflection this camp comes from 1 Corinthians 13.  So far we have learned that love is patient (long suffering...I still think that is funny!) and kind.  I really had to remind myself to be "long suffering and kind" yesterday as I found myself in a hurry to get home and ended up behind a little old lady driving a really big Cadillac.  We were moving at the lightning fast speed of 13 mph all the way down Acton Hwy!   I was alone in my car chanting, "be kind, be kind, be kind"  over and over again.  As the moments passed (slowly), I began to feel so proud of myself for being so patient and kind with this little lady but then I had the sad realization that exhibiting patient and kind behavior should be my rule, not my exception to the rule.  This should be my everyday behavior, not just for a special, lesson learned.  Today I am thankful for that little lady because she taught me something about myself, about the way I want to be, the way I want to live my life and all the work I have to do to get there.    I have set a new boundary for myself.  I am going to smile and wave at all those little old ladies and hope that someday, someone else will be long suffering 40 years from now when it's me behind the wheel!   In sharing this story with you I hopethat you smiled and decided to build the same boundary.   *We can keep each other accountable, OK?  Boundaries are a healthy part of keeping ourselves in check and our relationships healthy.  In the Middle Ages, castles were built with a vast series of boundaries to keep the ruling king and queen safe.  I can't help but wonder if the king and queen ever felt trapped by the very thing was built to keep them safe.  I know there are a few boundaries that I have built around myself that have kept me trapped in a place where I was not growing and evolving daily.  These are the boundaries that I am working to tear down.  On the flip side of that I am also aware that there are some areas that I need to "shore up" or create a new boundary in an effort to keep my relationships, my habits, and my actions healthy and rewarding.   This is exactly how God so graciously give us free will to build our own boundaries.  Isn't that amazing!
As boundaries relate directly to RBC, you have shattered the boundary of getting up at 4:30 am to exercise!  Way to go!  That "5:00 am thing" is a huge wall for so many to get over and you have conquered it....great job.  I hope that in breaking down that boundary you have discovered new healthy habits, new friends and new hope in your abilities!  Are you needing to build a few boundaries in your actions and behaviors that may be holding you back from meeting your goals for RBC?.  If your goal is weight loss, you have to put a boundary on your food intake.  If your goal is to get stronger, your have to use heavier weights.  Maybe it's time to say either "YES" or "NO" to certain behaviors.  It all depends on where you put your boundary.  Where's it going to be?

See you dark and early,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Boot Camp tomorrow...

Dear Campers,
I just wanted to remind you that a new camp, "Living With Boundaries and Loving Without," starts tomorrow at 5am.  This is a great way to treat your heart and maybe your Sweetheart to happiness, health and humor!  Think about is kinda funny that we do what we do, isn't it?!  This will be a 4 week camp that will meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Can you believe that Spring Break is only 4 weeks away??!!   The scripture guidance this camp will come from 1 Corinthians 13.  This is the chapter on LOVE.  Since this camp begins on Valentines Day, I thought that the emphasis on LOVE and heart health would be fitting. 
The first day of each new camps brings a bit of chaos to the scene, so for all of you getting this email, I want to give you a run down of how I would like it to happen.  Please help me with the new campers!   If I already have a registration form on file for you, there is no need to fill out a new one.  I will have a simple "sign in" sheet in the kitchen window.  Just sign in.  If you are bringing a friend be sure to introduce them to me and let me help them get a registration form to fill out.  My dream for RBC is to keep it simple.  If you have your money tomorrow, great!  If you have it the next day, great!  If you don't have it and and NEED RBC, then great!  No worries...remember that "stop the stressing and see the blessing" thing??!!  Whatever you have, whenever you have it, just put it in the envelope.  As I had mentioned in an earlier email, I will be encouraging everyone at RBC to take a weekly moment on the scales.  I will have four different scale stations.  After you arrive, put your things in your spot (maybe try a new spot this camp?!), get signed in and the head to one of the scale stations.  I will have pens and paper at each station.  You can choose "shoes on" or "shoes off."  Just be consistent each week.   Record your number and take it with you.  Put it in your dumbbell bag and set your intention to either loose or maintain your weight for the next week.  Each week, be sure to weigh in on the same set of scales!  After our devotion time tomorrow we will begin the workout.  We are not going to administer an official fitness test this session.  Come ready to rock! 
I always look forward to our time together and continue to anticipate what God has in His plan for Revival Boot Camp.  See you dark and early.


Finale Friday

Redefined Campers,
I am so excited about giving you your T-shirts tomorrow!  We will end this session with a power-packed workout that will leave you energized and redefined in so many ways.  When I wrote the curriculum for the REDEFINED boot camp, I want to assure you that record breaking cold weather was not what I had in mind!  Many of us briefly lived without electricity or water.  Some experienced broken pipes and water damage.  I know that I began to feel like being "stuck" at home limited the choices of what I was going to do with MY precious time.  I was inconvenienced, my plans were changed, I was cold and I didn't like it one bit!   I some how morphed into a cranky toddler with an insatiable appetite for sugar!!  Instead of being able to "go, go, go," I was told "no, no, no!"  Due to external factors, God created a opportunity for me to internally REDEFINE who I am, who I want to be and see the direction that I want to be going in my life.  I believe that it is in these moments of inconvenience that we truly begin to "REDEFINE" who we are and find the way to really grow where we are planted.  How did the last few weeks redefine you?  Did you enjoy a break from your packed schedule?  Did you spend some quality time with your family?  Did you get caught up on project that had been put on the back burner or did you just allow yourself to just be still?  When Carter and I went out early one morning to play in the snow, I was amazed at how silent the world was.  The stillness captured my attention.  It was delicious to my ears and my soul.    I have been REDEFINED and will certainly try to "stop the stressing and see the blessing" in every situation. 
Have you seen the beautiful weather that is in our forecast?  This weekend will be prefect for each of us to reset our thermostats and revamp for our next RBC session.  The next session will be a 4 week/ 4 days per week camp.  This will allow us to be off during the week of Spring Break.  We will meet on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.  This camp will be "Living With Boundaries, Loving Without."  I am going to bring back the scales to experience.  Weight loss/management is one of the many reasons for attending boot camp and so I am going to address that "white elephant" in the room.  This will be done in complete private (I will not even know your number) so don't freak out!  It is health related boundary in our lives that we all must keep in check. 
Remember that tomorrow is "bring D.O. for no B.O." day.  Your small acts of kindness are so appreciated. I cannot say thank you enough.  Also, you are always welcome to bring a friend and share in the power of friends focused on faith and fitness! (wow - that's kinda a cool motto, huh?)  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

See you dark and early,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Campers -
Great job this morning with a sunshine filled workout.  Did you feel the burn??!!  

Thank you so much for the 42 bags full of food this morning!  You always amaze me with your dedication and efforts to create change.  

 Ephesians 4:2 reminds us to, "be completely humble; be patient; bearing with one another in love.  Think, meditate and apply.  Stay warm and be patient...spring will be here soon!  See you dark and early FRIDAY!  Stop the stressing and see the blessing.

Still redefining,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday plan

Hi Campers -
What a beautiful day!  Isn't it wonderful to see the sunshine?  I hope that you are feeling a bit recharged as we prepare for this next cold snap.    Tomorrow at RBC is "Pack The Pantry" day for us.  Please bring canned goods, dry pasta, rice, bean or peanut butter to camp tomorrow.  This is such a small thing that we can do to make a huge impact on someone else's life.  I challenge everyone to bring 3 items.  I will have a big bin at the gym door.  I would love to see it to overflow!  

Our mission project for Thursday (or whenever we meet!)  is a project for the 5th graders at Bacus Elementary School. Each year the 5th graders are supplied with a basic hygiene kit when they show the kids "THE FILM!"  This year, the kits did not have deodorant samples in them.  I would love for RBC to be able provide 86 5th grades with deodorant!  I am going to divide the gym in half... if you are on the kitchen side of the gym, please bring for deodorant for males and if you are on the other side, please bring deodorant for females.  This is such a small, yet effective, way to make an impact in our community.  I would love it if EVERY 5th grader in Granbury could get a Revival Boot Camp blessing.....we will take it one school at at time. 

Thank you for everything!  See you dark and early.

Stop the stressing and see the blessing,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This week's plan...

Dear Campers,

I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!  I miss RBC!!!!!!!  I will never complain about getting up early again, ever!  I sit here at the mercy of Mother Nature planning on seeing you Tuesday and Thursday of this week.  This will complete the Redefined Boot Camp session and we will revamp the following week (Feb. 14) for the next camp.  I know you are already hearing of the weather threat on Wednesday.......just chill, and let's see what happens.  If we can't meet on Thursday, then we will meet on Friday.  

Enjoy the sunshine while we have it and not matter what comes our way, remember how blessed we are to have people that we love and people that love us!  Let's all choose to be complainless! (Yes, I made it up!) 

Stop the stressing and see the blessing,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Exercise Challenge

Ok, it's Thursday, you have cabin fever, you are cold, and there is no real end in sight!  So squats it is!   Get your dumbbells and do a full squat, come up and do an overhead press (that's 1) now repeat 19 times and then do 19 more sets for a total of 400 squats and 400 overhead presses.  

Please report back! 

Snuggle up and squat down.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Push - up challenge!  Do 20 sets of 20 push - ups through out the rest of the day.  Sould give you 400 total!  Posted your number on Facebook.  Keep accountable.  If you have not found the Revival Boot Camp FB page yet, search it and become a fan!
Trust me the push ups will keep you warm.  Stan and I have actually been having fun with this.........desperate times call for desperate measures!  We are just over half way!

I know got burned on this once this year, but I am going to cancel RBC for Tuesday and Thursday mornings this week.  After watching the news, there are already school districts that are delaying starts tomorrow.   I do find it quite amusing that I had already planned on being at Boot Camp next Tuesday and Thursday mornings, anyway!  So this is your week off from me.....don't enjoy it too much and please know that I am making this decision simply because I want to stay at home and snuggle!!  Go get your dumbbells out of your trunk right now and use them tomorrow in an effort to create body heat.  Stay connected and accountable.  Please call your buddy and spread the work.  I am going to post on Facebook also!  

Stay warm and safe!
Still redefining,