Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Strong Tuesday

Dear Campers,
Great job this morning with your "sit, squat and shoulder" workout!  I am so proud of our rookie campers!  I know that RBC (Revival Boot Camp) is a shock to your system.    Please allow your body time to acclimate to the physical and mental challenges that are being thrown at you.   Returning campers, I commend you as you continue to bring your very best each workout.  Whether you are a rookie or a returner, continue to think about REDEFINING yourself in 2011.   
This morning in our group time I defined STRONG as being able, competent and powerful in a specific field.  Many times we think of being STRONG strictly as physical attribute, but I want to remind you that being STRONG can shape your thoughts and actions as well.  Maybe you were struggling with finishing the overhead press set today.  Instead of thinking about how many you may have missed, shift your thoughts to how many you did complete.  Remind yourself how STRONG you are today and be thankful.  Our scripture guidance today comes from 1 Corinthians 16:13, "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love." 
As each of us re-acclimate to our RBC schedule, I want to remind you that you will probably feel a dip in your energy levels this afternoon.  Do not use food to give you that extra boost.  You are more than likely fatigued, not hungry.  Drink 16 ounces of water, enjoy a cup of green tea or find 5 minutes to close your eyes and sneak a quick power nap!  Yesterday our focus was to ramp up our water consumption, today our focus is to consume 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables.  Continue to make small changes and they will lead to a healthy abundance in your life.   Please feel free to email me with any thoughts, questions or concerns concerning your RBC experience.  I am happy to help.
As I mentioned in the email yesterday, sleep is vital to your success.  I am guessing that you are getting up earlier than your normal time, so you must get to bed earlier.  All of your weight regulating hormones are released while you are in deep REM sleep, so if you are not getting that quality sleep (7-8 hours,) you are missing out on the good things your body has to offer.  Another hormone that is released during REM sleep is Growth Hormone (GH.)  GH aids in muscle growth and recovery and keeps your metabolic rate revved up.  Turn off the TV, get in bed with a good book and drift into Snoozeville! 
I am already excited about our next workout.  See you dark and early Thursday morning.


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