Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear Friends,
I have been hesitant to sit down to write this email because I knew that when I did, I would be overcome with emotion.  It is most certainly JOY!  My cup runneth over!  Revival Boot Camp has become such a joyful thing in my world.  I am so thankful for each one of you and feel so blessed that our lives have been woven together around faith and fitness.  I wanted to use this wrap up email to highlight each of the disciplines we have studied during the last five weeks.  Again, each of these ideas come from the book Celebration of Discipline  by Richard J. Foster.
Meditation - simply the ability to hear God's voice and obey his word.
Prayer - catapults us onto the frontier of spiritual life.  To pray is to change.  Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.
Fasting - a wonderful and powerful experience that connects discipline to our physical bodies.
Study - a specific experience that in which the mind is enabled to move in a certain direction.
     1.  Repetition - channels the mind in a specific direction, thus retaining habits of thought.
     2.  Concentration - centers the mind and focuses the attention on what is being studied.
     3.  Comprehension - focuses on the knowledge of truth.
     4.  Reflection - defines the significance of what we are studying.
Celebration - brings joy into our lives and joy makes us strong and carries us through times of change.
I know that each of these areas provide opportunity for growth for me and I hope that you feel the same way.  I am so thankful that this book has been our guide during this Christmas season.  I would like to invite you to visit Granbury First United Methodist Church during this season or any time.  There will be a family Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm and I would love to sit, sing and pray with Revival Boot Campers as we celebrate the joy of the season. 
Next session starts on January 3.  No need to pre-register, just bring your toys and a friend.  We will start the year with fitness testing.  Just remember, it's not about the food, it's about faith, family and friends.

So much love to you!

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