Monday, December 13, 2010

Hey RBC Friends,
It was great to warm up your upper body this morning with a technique called pre-loading or pre-exhausting!  It is a way to maximize the weights you are currently using to their fully potential.  The science behind it explains that quick repetitions with a lighter weight can yield greater strength gains when heavier weights are applied immediately after the quick/light set.  Did you feel the science this morning? knowledge and repetition, that sounds just like the discipline we are introducing this week.  It is the discipline of STUDY.  In his book, Celebration of Discipline, Foster reveals the following bits of information about the discipline of STUDY.
*STUDY is the primary vehicle for us to think about the world around us.
*STUDY is one of the central ways God changes us.
*STUDY determines the kind of habits that are formed.
*STUDY is analytical, while MEDITATION is devotional.
*STUDY is a perception into the reality of a given situation.
*STUDY involves four steps.
This morning I introduced the first of the four steps to you.  It is repetition.  Foster explains that, "repetition regularly channels the mind in a specific direction, thus ingraining habits of thought."  When I began to think about the process of fitness, it occurred to me that I am truly in the business of repetition....8 more, 7 more, etc.  As boot campers, we get up dark and early and exercise over and over and over all the while asking our bodies to move in a certain direction and begging for the patterns of a healthy lifestyle to be ingrained as deep as our DNA!  We do that because repetition works in fitness and in all areas of our lives!  If you want to  be successful at anything, you must do it again and again.  I believe that the ability to adhere to the repetition phase of fitness is the biggest hurdle for so many people.  The moment you "get fit" and stop, your fitness level begins to decline!  This is much like our relationship with God, we must repeatedly go to Him in prayer, in meditation and in worship to be able to truly feel the countless benefits of that relationship!    If repetition in your fitness program is hard for you, maybe it is time to STUDY a bit more and learn even more about the countless benefits of a regular exercise program.  Learn something new about what is happening on the inside of your body due to the repetition of exercise as opposed to just the outside of your body!  As I continue to STUDY, I am more convinced than ever physical health (exercise and repetition) is bound to our level of spiritual health (meditation and prayer) and mental health (study.)  What a glorious plan!  Other that your workout from this morning, I challenge you to use repetition in your actions and in your thoughts in a positive way today.   
I do want to let you know that this week is "Share the Gift of Fitness Week" at RBC! I know that you have a friend that you would like to invite, so let's make that happen this week.  I promise I will be nice to them on their first visit!!  Also, I would ask you to bring a canned food item anytime this week. There is a bin to the left of the entry doors.  In this season, we are reminded that we have so much to share with others.  The supply of canned meats and peanut butter is very low at our food pantry.  Please help if you can.  Thank you.

This is the point where I say, "See you dark and early, see you dark and early, see you dark and early, see you dark and early, see you dark and early tomorrow!"


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