Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How are you?  I hope you enjoyed the extra rest you were able to get this morning.  We have two more workouts this week and you will need that extra rest.  Remember to grab a power nap if the opportunity arises.  Keep it under 20 minutes or it will disturb your nightly sleep.  Many times we try to feed our fatigue instead of resting it...don't be guilty of this! 
So far this session we have discusses three different aspects of adding discipline in our lives.  First we were introduced to meditation, then prayer and this week fasting is our focus.  Now, I fully understand that at this point many of you are thinking that I am a card carrying member of the FUNNY FITNESS FARM and that I am asking you to dive into waters that you have no interest in getting in.  If that is how you feel, I hear you and I am completely OK with you staying on dry land.  I will support you and encourage you in any direction your heart leads you.  If you are interested in knowing more about fasting, I am going to attach a detailed handout to this email that explains the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of fasting.  I AM NOT telling you to stop eating from now on or to never enjoy your favorite foods again.  Do you hear me?  I also AM NOT advocating that you ever compromise your health or go against anything your doctor orders.  I am simply sharing a health enhancing approach that I, along with a few friends, and entire civilizations have used for thousands of years to create an an improved way of life.  Just like a burpee, fasting is an Option #1, Option #2 and Option #3 process.  I have been easing you into Option #1 simply by asking you to give up your daily snacking.  Try doing this for a few days and see how it goes.  Option #2 involves skipping a meal.  The first few times you do this try using fresh juice or chicken broth to help you get through the time.  Please use this techniques at least three times before completely skipping the meal all together.  Remind and assure yourself that you ARE NOT going to starve to death and that this will bring goodness to your life.  Get up and move around, drink a large glass of water, think a new thought, meditate or pray and fill up the time with goodness.  Many times hunger is a thought or a hydration need.  Now, once you have gotten that down,  try skipping two meals using the same techniques.  If you are ready for Option #3, it involves going 24 hours without eating solid food, but continuing to drink lots of fluids.  Again, the first few times, use fresh juices, clear broths and teas to thrive on.  I have found it helpful to go from dinner one day to dinner the next, but experiment with what works for you.  I would NEVER advocate fluid restriction during this time.  This is really the time to ramp up your water intake.  Before I chose the Celebration of Discipline book to use as our guide for this camp I began the 24 hour fasting technique as a way to increase my bodies natural Growth Hormone.  This school of thought comes from a researcher named Brad Pilon and he has additional information at his web site, if you would like to know his take on this subject.  When I realized that fasting was a cornerstone of the Celebration of Discipline book, knew that I had to share this information with RBC.  I have had great things come to me as a result of this practice.  I feel stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.  If I were to offer a Boot Camper advise as to which days would be best, I would recommend Wednesdays or Sundays due to those being your lighter exercise days.  I am honest and humble enough to say this it is not easy your first time and yes, you will have good fasts and bad fasts just like you have good days and bad days.  The attached information sheet describes what you may or may not feel while you are fasting.  Just read about all the potential benefits, OK?
Thank you for being open to at least thinking a new thought or adopting a new practice that may enhance your life.  I know that I am setting myself up to be that "fitness and religious FREAK" in town by sharing this with you.  Well, I guess there's always a FREAK around town, it may as well be me! 

See you dark and early Thursday and Friday.

Following my heart,

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