Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hi Campers,
Great job this morning with the interval workout!  You "brought it" on so many levels!  I am so proud of you!
Remember that for the next two weeks, we will meet on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and FRIDAY!  Mark your calendars and set your alarms now!  It will certainly shake things up for all of us.  Change is good and God is great....remember that!
This morning in our devotion time together I encouraged you to pray about ANYTHING that is on your mind or heart.  Don't ever feel like God doesn't hear or care about even your smallest thoughts, fears, or concerns.  The following paragraph in Foster's book clearly explained to me what I should and maybe should not be praying for. 
"The inner sense of compassion is one of the clearest indicators from the Lord that this is a prayer project for you.  In times of meditation there may come a rise in your heart, a compulsion to intercede, an assurance of rightness, a flow of the Spirit.  This inner "yes" is the Divine authorization for you to pray for the the person or situation.  If the idea is accompanied with a sense of dread, then probably you should set it a side.  God will lead someone else to pray for the mater."
So, I am to pray for the things that are on MY heart and let God lead others to pray for the things they should be praying about.  Isn't that comforting?  Just another example of "enjoying the ride!"  I will be checking in with you throughout the weekend.  Make good food choices.

Filled with blessings, meditations and prayers,

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