Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Dear Campers,
Another great workout this morning!  Isn't is great to be a part of a group that is making conscious choices to improve their lives?  It was 24 degrees this morning and you fumbled out of bed, got in a frigid car and came to Revival Boot Camp.  You amaze me!  This was certainly one of those mornings when I saw myself (and Stan...only because I dragged him) doing overhead presses alone in the gym!  Thank you for your courageous dedication to this program and for following through on the commitment you made to yourself.  Think about the definition of COURAGEOUS and begin to use it, feel it and act on it each day.

COURAGEOUS - possessing the quality of mind, body and spirit that enables a person to face difficulty without fear.

Our scripture today comes from Deuteronomy 31 as Moses speaks to the Israelites. "Be strong and courageous.  Do not fear or be afraid of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you or forsake you."  Each and every day of our lives we have opportunities to be COURAGEOUS.  Many times we think that it takes really big events or an out-of-the ordinary situation to show courageousness, but it can be seen and used every day.  You already know what your everyday act of courage is, don't you?  It is the thing that, before you do it, you have to take that extra deep breath to get you over the hump to ensure that you complete the task.  In my world it is the simple act of calling my sister that forces me be courageous.  Due to many bad decisions on her part, her life is very challenging right now.  I know that I need to be reaching out to her, but many times out of her hurt and anger, she is very mean to me.  I still call her to tell her I love her and ask her how I can help.   Since the outcome is always uncertain, I find myself having to breath my way through each ring until she answers, if she answers at all.  I think will be courageous and make that call right now. Maybe today will be the day that she answers and lets me love her.  Everyday acts of courageousness can change our world.   So, go ahead, make that phone call, send that text, email, or card.   Be courageous and be strong.

Healthy tip of the day - eat soups for lunch or supper.  (Not cream based!!)  They will fill you up and keep you cozy warm.  See you dark and early Thursday.

Being courageous,

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