Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dear Campers,
What a great job you did yesterday with the fast paced block workout.  You rocked through three different blocks of exercises and exceeded my expectations.  The more fit the group gets, the harder it is for me to design workouts that will challenge you in new and exciting ways!  Just remember that I love a good challenge!  Yesterday I encouraged you to be sure to take a daily multiple vitamin to help fill in our nutrition gaps.  Along with that I recommended that you begin to take some sort of Omega - 3 (fish or flax oil) supplement as well.  I would also advise everyone to take a calcium supplement that contains Vitamin D.  *Most calcium supplements on the market do contain Vitamin D as it aids in the absorption and the utilization of the calcium.  The FDA has recently upped the daily recommended allowances for Vitamin D due to multiple cases of deficiency reported.  Please do not "just start" taking an extra Vitamin D supplement (other than what is in your calcium) unless it has been recommended by your physician.  Vitamin D is actually a hormone that can be synthesized by your body when you are exposed to sunlight.  Just another reason to get outside and play!! Your body should be able to synthesize enough after 15 minutes of exposure.  *Then be sure to apply that SPF 20 sun block lotion!
Becoming OBEDIENT is our redefining focus of the day.  When we are OBEDIENT we are said to have the quality of being able to comply with or be submissive to authority (God.)   As I said yesterday, I almost did not use this as a redefining word, because it seems almost harsh, as well as so hard!  When I was searching for scripture to help me make the decision to use it or not, I found Isiah 1:19.  "If you are willing and obedient, you will reap the good things of the land."  After reading this, I knew I had to use it as a redefining word for RBC.   God does not make our lives hard, we do.   We simply have to be willing and obedient. 
I know you enjoyed the extra sleep this morning.  Sleep is your body's best way to recover and rev up for action again tomorrow dark and early.  It is a beautiful day to get out and enjoy some sunshine (Vitamin D) today, even if it is just for a few minutes, make the most of it! 
Have you checked on your RBC buddy today?  Shoot them a text or am email (be sure to identify yourself!)  Let them know that you are thinking about them.  Try to find and meet that person tomorrow if you don't already know them.  I can help you with that if you need me to.  If you did not get a card on Tuesday, we have more to give out tomorrow!  

Make it a super day,

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