Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dear Campers,
What a change we felt (not just in our legs) as we stepped outside this morning after boot camp!  I personally think that you created so much heat with the thousands of squats and lunges you did, that God had to turn the thermostat down outside to balance things out in the atmosphere!!  Bundle up or snuggle up, it's cold outside! 
Our scripture today comes from Deut. 28 3-8; "You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.  The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.  The Lord our God will bless the land he is giving you."  Oh, to be BLESSED!  It is that contented and blissfully happy state that feels just as amazing as a cozy cashmere sweater on a cold day.  My friend, Cathy Parson, always tells me that "yummy and delicious" things are coming my way and I know that she is not talking about cup cakes or chocolate!  She chooses to use these words because she knows that I can instantly relate and anticipate how good those thing will be.  That is exactly how I feel about each and every blessing in my life, so yummy and delicious! 
I want to take a moment and express sincere gratitude to Zahra Bhaloo.  Two years ago, as our boys were taking swimming lessons at the Y, she asked me about teaching a 5:00 AM class.  I laughed and said, "Are you kidding?  No one in their right mind would come to that!"  She said she would, so I began to pursue the possibilities.  Although I didn't even know it, Revival Boot Camp was born that day.   What a blessing she and that day have turned out to be for me and so many  others.  Thank you, Zahra, for encouraging me to jump into a still pond and create a yummy and delicious ripple effect!  You are such a blessing to me and so many others.  This is just another way to demonstrate that blessings are everywhere, whether we see them or not.  Take a risk, receive a blessing in disguise, sit back and be surprised at the all the beautiful things it can bring to your life.   
Healthy habit of the day is to LEAVE your JOB at WORK!  When the work day is done, allow your "work stress" producing hormones to turn off.  Create a plan or a routine that allows you to shift from work mode to home mode.  Trust me, your family does not want to know the details of your day.  Just share the highlight reel with them over dinner!  If you do take your job home, then only allow the good things to walk in the front door.  Managing your work stress and the negative effects it can have on your family is certainly a healthy habit.
Have a fun weekend and come and visit Road Crew on Saturday morning at 8:15 for a walk or run with friends.  Chit chat and burn fat.....that is so cool! 

See you dark and early on Thursday,

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