Monday, January 17, 2011


Good Morning Campers,

Happy "twisted" Monday!   What a great way to mix things up and wring out the old habits that have been holding us back and create space for new energy in our lives.  This morning we talked about the importance of being trustworthy.  To be trustworthy means to be deserving of confidence, to be very dependable and reliable.  I feel so blessed to have so many trustworthy people in  my life.  These are people that lift me up when I am down, provide accountability when I stray and tell me the truth when I need to hear it.  These same people allow me to share thoughts, feelings or fears without judging or condemning me.   Through their acts of trustworthiness they allow and encourage me to be the ME that God created me to be.   In 1 Timothy 4:8-10 we learn that, "physical training is of some importance, but godliness has value for all things, holding promises for both the present life and the life to come after.  This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance."  That's all we have to do is fully accept this and live a trustworthy life, which includes providing assistance in others' lives and allowing God to guide our lives.  As a way of honoring Dr. Martin Luther King today, I challenge you to follow in his example of serving others through acts of trustworthiness.
Healthy tip of the day for Day 7 is "get at least 7 hours of sleep each night."  On the RBC schedule that means 9:00 is lights out.  Make it happen.  Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels and CRANKINESS!  Sleep more and be healthier and nicer, too!  If you have missed out on some of the healthy tips, here they are in a recap;
1 - drink your water...gallon a day
2 - eat 2 fruit and 3 veggies every day
3 - don't FRY.... if you fry, you will die
4 - eat broth based soups
5 - floss your teeth every day
6 - eat dinner in the 6:00 - 6:59...digestion is a vertical process not horizontal
7 - get 7 hours of sleep

We continue to welcome all the new campers that find their way to Revival Boot Camp!  Thank you so much for each of you spreading the word about what God is doing at Granbury First United Methodist Church.  Have a super day.  See you dark and early tomorrow.

Being trustworthy,

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