Monday, November 1, 2010

Great job this morning Campers!!!  You pushed, planked and sat-up to the world this morning and planted the seeds of strength in your body and soul today.  Be sure to hydrate those seeds today!  Remember to drink half your body weight in ounces of water today and everyday for now on.  To be very honest, I did not drink my water yesterday and I can feel it today.  My skin and eyes feel dry and I am feeling a bit sluggish due to dehydration.  Once you feel how great being fully hydrated feels, you certainly know what dehydrated feels like....yuck!   Make it your plan to get three quality meals today and cut out the snacking....period. 
I know it might have seemed a bit strange to use the Texas Rangers in my example of WANTS vs. NEEDS this morning,  but this just illustrates the point that these examples are in every aspect of our lives.  Choosing to live a life where we LOSE our WANTS and LIVE our NEEDS is a struggle that I deal with daily as a Christian, as a wife, as a mother, as a teacher and as a friend.  We live in a world that teaches us to "take care of yourself first."  This idea is in direct conflict with the the Bible, as it tells us to put others' needs before ours.  Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds."  We must believe that in caring for others first, our cup will be plentifully filled to care for ourselves.  I want extend gratitude to each of you for filling my cup.  Seeing each of you every morning is such a joy in my life.  I would encourage you to take a few moments today and experience how putting others first instantly fills your cup. 
If you were not in class this morning, please know that your spot will be there tomorrow.  You NEED to use it!  As you move through your day know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength, your success and that you get all that you NEED.


P.S.  I forgot to tell you this morning that this is BRING A FRIEND week at RBC.  I know that you have someone in your life that NEEDS and WANTS to be in our group.  Please invited them to come on either Tuesday or Thursday this week.  Be sure to introduce them to me so that we can sign proper parerwork and be sure to let them know all that they need to bring! 

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