Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Dear Campers,
If you have been outside this morning, you certainly know that the winds of change are with us today.  It is my hope that you are feeling the winds of change throughout your body this morning as well.  Remember change happens fast and change happens slow.   I would encourage you to use the Divine timing of the impending weather change to affirm the changes you are welcoming into your life.  As you are entering into your time of meditaton today, use Foster's wisdom as he explains that, "meditation is the one thing that can sufficiently redirect our lives so that we can deal with human life more successfully."  As I began to soak up that passage the part about "dealing with human life more successfully," really resonated deep within me.  Sign me up for that immediately!  I hope that that passage speaks to you, as well.  Get outside today and feel this wind in your face, see the leaves falling from the trees and attach to all that is good around you.
You do need to reserve some time today to get some exercise in.  The minimum is 40 minutes of sustained cardiovascular movement.  Examples of this would be walking, running, swimming, swimming, or time on an elliptical machine!  This will help your level of soreness decrease and aid your body in staying in calorie burning mode.   Be aware of everything you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself, "is this for the highest and best good for my health?"  If the answer is NO, then put it down and make a better choice. 
Feel free to email me with question, concerns or comments you may have that pop up throughout your day.  I am here to assist you in your journey.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

Abundant blessing to you,

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