Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hi Campers,

As I sit here on Sunday evening, I can hardly contain my excitement and anticipation about seeing you tomorrow morning dark and early.  I just wanted to check in with you regarding a few topics that will make tomorrow move smoothly.  After careful consideration, I have made a small change to the "normal" RBC plan.  I have received feedback from many campers regarding the T-shirts.  Some of you love and cannot wait to get and wear your T-shirts while some of you are not T-shirt wearers.  I understand both groups 100%, so in an effort to keep everyone happy, I have decided to keep the $80 price if you want the T-shirt or drop the price to $75 for those of you that do not want the T-shirts.   I want this program to meet the needs of each and every camper.  I can also let you know that if you would like to purchase additional T-shirts, even in kids sizes, I will be able to do that also for $5 for each additional shirt.  Tomorrow morning I will have a slip of paper for you to paper clip to your check (made out to Amy McKay) or  cash to.  On this sheet of paper you will let me know information regarding proper T-shirt ordering instructions for you during this camp.  The T-shirts for this camp will be long sleeved, so that may or may not change your decision and sizing information. 

We will not be fitness testing this camp.  I need to "hit you hard" and get your head, heart and body into a Celebration of Discipline mojo!  Arrive to be revived! 

Get some rest and see you dark and early Monday.

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