Monday, November 29, 2010

Dearest Campers -
It was so good to see you this morning!  I was so glad to get back in the groove with you and continue or Celebration of Discipline time together.  Last week we explored the discipline of MEDITATION.  It is my hope that you are finding a few moments each day to "tune into" all the good things happening around you each day.  This week we begin to add the discipline of PRAYER to our everyday lives.  As I quoted our the book this morning, "prayer catapults us on to the frontier of the spiritual life."  When I saw the verb "catapults" in that sentence, it made me feel that my prayers could be so strong, so intentional and so full of purpose.  Frequently I have referred to certainly people in my life as "prayer warriors."  I now know why I see them as warriors...they simply catapult their prayers directly at the feet of Jesus and know that they will certainly be on mark every time!
I want to welcome Tim, Sheila and Bridgette to camp.  They are all first time campers and joined in the magic this morning.  Tomorrow morning I will be putting you into groups again.  You will need to check in with your group leader each morning.  You will be receiving emails and helpful hints from me and from your group leaders as well.  Group leaders are there to help everyone feel really connected to the program and to help you meet and get to know other campers.  Remember it will be leg day tomorrow, so get to bed early and be ready for dark and early fun times!

Blessings to all,

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