Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hello Campers -

Well, you really "hit it hard" today at RBC!  I know that boxing is a favorite for many of you.  If you have never boxed before, when you wake up in the morning you may experience a feeling in your back similar to that of kidney failure!  Let me assure you that your kidneys are fine, but you do have a severe case of the boxing flu!  The good news is that it is not contagious and that in 48-72 hours you will feel as good as new again!!  You should feel the boxing in the morning......I can hardly wait!  Think of me often..........

Our focus from the book this morning explained that when we embark into Christian meditation, our goal is not detachment from everything in our lives, about attachment to all the good things around us.  Foster explains that, "Christian meditation leads our inner wholeness to attach to God and follow His plan for our lives."  During our gathering this morning, I also shared the quote that I heard on the Dave Ramsey radio show on Monday afternoon.  It was, "each of us must bear one of two weights.  The weight of self-discipline or the weight of regret.  The weight of self-discipline is ounces, while the weight of regret is tons."  This really made me think of all the times that I have felt so "heavy" in my life .........just maybe it was the weight of regret.  Let's strive to lighten our load together with the practices of self-discipline.
I am so proud of each of you.  You continue rise up and meet each challenge I throw at you.  Great job!   

If you have not become a fan or friend of the Revival Boot Camp Facebook page, please check it out.  Just search for Revival Boot Camp and it should appear.  (I have heard some campers say that searching Revival Camp yields better results.)    It can be a great way to communicate with other campers and share ideas and messages.  I do want to add Menielle Donahoo, aka RBC Media Queen, to our prayer lists.  She had foot surgery last Thursday and is on the mend and doing great.  Maybe I can bribe into hobbling into camp one day next week to get a new Celebration of Discipline video posted on FB!!  We miss you Menielle, speedy recovery to you, sister.
I will be sending you quotes from the book for the remainder of this week.  Staying connected is another way to stay self-disciplined.  Find time to meditate and attach this somehow this evening.

Blessings to all,

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