Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good morning Campers,

I hope that you enjoyed the extra hour of sleep this morning and that you are feeling energized and ready to conquer your day!  Today you must find a way to connect 30-40 minutes together and move you body quickly and repeatedly (cardio work!).  This is truly what your body needs.  Try to get outside and soak up some of this amazing weather and allow your body to make it's own vitamin D from the sunshine!  Maybe you need to do it on your lunch hour..........  Get it done!  

Now on to the fun news.  You have to hop on Facebook and become a fan of the Revival Boot Camp page.  The video is uploaded and is sooooo cool.  I am blown away with how beautiful my world is at 5:00am.  You have to check it out!  It will make you smile for sure!  I want to give thanks to the RBC technology queen, Menielle Donahoo.  She has graciously volunteered to help us stay connected in the technology realm!  There is also a RBC blog spot that is currently in the works.  My prayer is that other can be inspired by this group and begin to make a shift in habits that can drastically enhance their quality of life.
Continue to eat clean and try to keep your snacking to a minimum.  Enjoy your meals three times per day!  Allow your body to run like a Ferrari not a Pinto!

Have a super day and know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength, you success and that your needs be met.  See you dark and early Thursday.


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