Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hey, campers,

How are you?  You did a fantastic job this morning with each and every rep this morning.  You never cease to amaze me with your willingness to step up to the challenges that I throw at you.  You are living the "do your best and forget the rest" approach to a fitness program.  As long as you are doing YOUR best, then you will propel yourself further down the road to health, strength and fitness.  I want to remind you that Revival Boot Camp is a strength and endurance based program that is designed for you to feel empowered and energized to meet the challenges that life brings each of us day to day. 
In addition to the training that you are doing, the way you are choosing to fuel yourself will be a critical component to your success. 
1.  Drink your water.
2.  Eat two apples every day.
3.  Consume 5 servings of veggies.
4.  If you fry...you will die!
5.  No alcohol.
6.  All 100% whole grain breads and pastas.
7.  Try to eat 3 meals a day and STOP snacking.  I know this is a bit different than you have heard in the past.  There is an emerging school of thought that eating 6 small meals a day to "keep you metabolic rate up" may not be the best way to  manage or loose weight.  If you are trying to gain or maintain weight, continue to eat throughout the day, but the rest of us really need to change our eating patterns.  I am going to address this thought process again next week.  You cannot get different results doing the same thing!!!  Do you NEED to change?
I would like for you to be thinking of a word that can be a common bond for you and your group.  This will be the first word that you say to yourself every morning as your alarm goes off.  (For many of us, this will be a departure from the typical first word we say in that alarm clock moment!!!)  This will be an accountability word that only the members of your group will know...kinda like a secret password to an underground fitness society that meets in the wee hours of the morning!
Remember, another link to success is to keep your faith in check!  Make time for a daily devotional and continually give thanks for all that you have, all that you are and all you will be.  Surround yourself with loving and supportive friends and guard your heart against those that will pull you away from your goals.  Make a new friend at Boot Camp on Thursday.  They just may be the person that God has sent to bring you blessings!  Step out in faith......
As always I will be praying for your safety, your strength, your success and that your NEEDS be met.


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