Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to Revival Boot Camp

I am so proud of you!  You did a fantastic job with the fitness testing this morning.  I know that it is not the "funnest" way for us to start our time together, but is the best way for you to know, without a doubt,  that you will be stronger 5 weeks from now!  Revival Boot Camp is about finding your strength from the inside out and creating new friends that set their faith and their fitness as a priority in their lives.  If you are a new camper, I would like to welcome you personally, and also let you know that Granbury First United Methodist Church welcomes you to our facility.   Please, please. please do not feel intimidated or frustrated with anything that goes on at Boot Camp.  This group of people loves you and supports each and every effort you make on this fitness journey.

As you heard me mention this morning, your food jounaling begins NOW.  Becoming aware of everything you put in your mouth is the first step in creating change from within.  There are great apps available for iPhones.  You can use the app called "Lose It" and stay linked with your friends.  (Kinda like Words With Friends, but health and fitness style!!)  Drink your water.....half your body weight in ounces every day.  Yes, you will be in the restroom frequently in the beginning until your body gets fully hydrated.   Think of all the extra steps you will be taking!!  Another great habit to get into each day is eating an apple.  This simple fruit has a plethora of health benefits, so jump on board.  Load up on fresh fruit and veggies.  They are packed with healthy nutrients and low in calories (unless your drowned them in Ranch dressing or butter).  Make good choices.  Truthfully, your nutrition commitment is even more important than the exercise commitment you have made to Revival Boot Camp.  You no longer have the opportunity to consume beverages that contain calories.  The exception to this skim milk in moderation. 

If you are not used to the Boo Camp lifestyle, I will caution you that you will feel an afternoon sinking feeling.  Unless you are truly hungry, do not eat to boost your energy.  Take a 5 minute power nap instead and get a cup of green tea in your system.  Be sure you are not feeding your fatigue instead of resting it.  You must adjust your evening schedule to get yourself in bed earlier.  You have to get quality sleep in order to release your bodies natural Growth Hormone (more on GH later).  This will be easier because the days are getting shorter.  If you have children, this will be beneficial for them, also.  Recent studies show that 68% of elementary age children are sleep deprived.  Get your family to bed at least 30 minutes earlier than normal starting tonight.    Try cutting out some evening TV time.  I know this sounds harsh but trust me, your body needs the sleep more than you need to know what is happening on Grey's Anatomy!!!  Limit yourself to 30 minutes per day.  What if we held ourself to the same standards that we do our children??  Wow, that's a radical thought, isn't it!!! 

Again, I commend you on a job well done this morning and would remind you that, "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you will find, you get what you NEED!"  We all need this reminder, don't we?  I can not wait to see you dark and early tomorrow!

Much love,

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