Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 2

Week 2 of "You Get What You Need" Boot Camp is complete!  Today you boxed, kicked and pushed your way to a stronger you!  Congratulations!  Stand up and give yourself a little victory dance.  You deserve it!  Reward yourself with positive words and the wonderful feeling of getting what you needed.  I have a fantastic quote that I think fits this moment. 
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements to life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."     - Charles Kingly
Setting your alarm and claiming your new POWER word should show that you are being truly enthusiastic about being strong physically, mentally and spiritually!  Keep smiling, and plugging away and more than you can imagine will come your way.
Many of you are seeking more help and direction in the nutrition and weight loss arena.  I have had countless people that I know experiment with the new hot topic in weight loss right now.....the HGH diet (human growth hormone.)  This diet involves: 1.) either taking a siblingual GH derivative or injecting GH directly into the muscle, 2.)consuming a very low calorie diet and 3.) not exercising.   GH is the hormone that allows us to grow from infancy to adulthood and continues to be released by our pituitary gland throughout our lives.  This hormone is truly the fountain of youth.    Due to the popularity of this hot topic I began to  look for the science behind the "HGH diet." I came across some interesting research as I was trying to learn more about the "HGH diet" that many are spending hundreds of dollars on.   It has had great results, and I wanted to know why! Some of this new research is showing that snacking (or consuming 6 small meals a day..which has been the fitness industry recommendation for the past 5 years) can be at the root of diabetes, insulin resistance and carrying too much weight, primarily body fat for some individuals.   When we are in an insulin dependent state, our bodies assume we are content and do not send the message to our pituitary glad to release GH as a repair, restore, and fat burning mechanism.   The "GH diet" does work, but not necessarily due to the supplement, but due to the lower caloric intake triggering the pituitary glad to release it's own natural GH!  A body with a normal functioning pituitary gland does not need external GH to tap into the youthful benefits of the hormone and, as a matter of fact, extra GH in the system can cause a variety of negative side-effects.  Long story short, eating small meals throughout the day can keep us in an insulin dependant state which can actually be contributing to that "up and down" blood sugar crash, NOT preventing it.   I know this sounds crazy, but try increasing your caloric intake at each meal by 100 just calories (ex. - apple for dessert!)  Lose the snacking (seriously, you were probably eating more than 300 calories a day snacking, right?)  When your tummy rumbles at 10:30 or 3:30 remind yourself that you just ate 400-500 calories not too long ago and that you ARE NOT HUNGRY.   Guzzle 24 ounces of water and wait until the next meal time.  I know that I am going to be the go-against-the-grain gal in Granbury fitness, but I have to share what the new science is yielding.  Hey, someone has to be the freak...why not me?  Apparently the current advise of eating 6 small meals a day is not working for many of you, so we have to make some sort of change.  If you are trying to gain weight, then yes, eat frequently, but if you are trying to manage or lose weight from your fat stores, you have to eat....then STOP......then eat to allow your bodies built-in fat regulating system to work.   Just look at Lisa P's, Carrie Sonderer's and my body....we are the test group, and yes, our bodies, that were stuck,  are changing.  You know me and my apple and PB at is killing me, too.  Change is good and will always produce different results.  Just think and be open to new ideas.  *If you are hard-core endurance training (periods of two hours or more of continuous exercise), pregnant, nursing, have diabetes, or have hypoglycemia please stick to your doctors recommended guidelines.

Don't let the weekend undo your desired results.

Radically yours,

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