Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow -

What a fantastic Monday workout!  Who was that crazy chick kicking our tails this morning?  She must have had a double shot in her espresso this morning, huh?  Well, all I can say is that I hope you were challenged right up to your intelligent edge...that point where you are being pushed to grow and not pushed to injury.  

Just a reminder that Tuesday is Ab Isolation day, so be sure to bring your mat so that your tail bone will be protected. 

I am so glad that we allowed a bit of time this morning to visit about the changes that I am challenging you to make in your nutritional fueling plan.  I know this will be very hard, but remember that you cannot keep things the same and get a different result.  Change happens quick in some areas, but slow in some.  Give yourself time to soul search.  What is truly comes down to is if you really want to change or not.  People that say that they want to change, but don't do anything to spur that change, really DO NOT WANT to change.  If you need a change, then your actions have to reflect it.  What a great time to revisit our NEED and WANT theme for this sesson of Revival Boot Camp.

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