Saturday, October 16, 2010

End of 1st week...

Hey Campers -
First week of "Get What Ya Need Boot Camp" is in the record books and you did great!  I hope that it felt great for the returning campers to be back in the groove again.  If you are a new camper in search of the groove, I promise you will find it soon!  Your body will be in shock this week as it adapts to the new schedule and new challenges you are asking it to meet.  Sleep is the cure for everything that ails you.  Get in bed as early as possible and sleep as late as possible over the late nighters!   Do not allow the weekend to wreck all the good work you have done this week.  Same nutrition rules apply on the weekend.   Begin to "soul search" and really differentiate between what your body wants and what your body needs.  I will be the first to admit that I struggle daily with this same issue and through our Boot Camp time and study together, I pray that I become stronger in making "need" decisions instead of "want" choices.  We can find inspiration in the Bible in Isaiah 58:11, "The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.  You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."  Claim this as your focus during our journey together.

Remember to continue with your hydration and clean eating.   This is the quickest route to meeting your goals and to stay ramped up for your next workout.  This morning I forgot to tell you that you do have homework for the weekend.  The homework is to get a minimum of 30 minutes of interval cardio work at least twice over the next three days.  This means that you choose a modality (walking, running, cycling, swimming, or even skipping)  and perform that activity at 80% of your maximum effort for two minutes and then back off to 60% effort and recover for two minutes.  Continue to repeat this cycle for 30 minutes.  Always remember to allow a 5 minute warm-up time and a 5 minute cool-down time.....this does not count in your total 30 minute workout time!!!!   If you would like a group to move with there is a group that starts at the Y at 7:00 am.  This is a group of super walkers and runners.  Do not be shy, come give it a try!  Meet in the parking lot of the Y at 7:00am.
I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

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