Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap-up

Dear Campers,
It has been such a weird week!  Hooray to everyone trying to let go of a normal life and embrace a life that is so weird that the good stuff does not get in the way of the GREAT stuff!  Each day you are transforming and not conforming to the world around you.  I am so proud of you.  One day last week we talked about how little time each of us have to get everything done.  I keep reminding myself of what Craig Groeschel, the author of "WEIRD:Because Normal Isn't Working" says, "you have enough time to do everything that God wants you to do."  My current prayers is that God will give give me the discernment, courage, and patience to work on His timeline not mine!   
We are down to three weeks left in this camp.  I know that the end of school is such a hectic time for all of us.  If you are missing RBC, please know that we miss you and are praying for you.  I know quite a few of you that have graduating seniors.  Please send me those names so that we can pray for them by name as they turn this pages in their lives!  Teachers, we thank you today and everyday for your hard work and efforts at educating our children.  We really appreciate you. 
Keeping your healthy habits in check is a great way to ensure that your (God's) time is used efficiently!
     1.  Drink your water.
     2.  2 fruits and 3 vegges every day.
     3.  Don't eat fried food.
     4.  No white flour.....only 100% whole grain items. Fiber is your friend.
     5.  RBC bed time is 9:00 pm.
     6.  Be weird!
A big HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all RBC Moms!  You are setting such a great example of faith, friends, and fitness for your children.  Enjoy your weekend.   Create just a glimmer of time for some exercise.  *There will be a group of walkers/runners at the Y in the mornng at 8:00. 
Tonight is First Friday at Barking Rocks Winery.  The weather will be perfect for a bit of relaxation and socialization. 

See you dark and early Monday,

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