Monday, April 25, 2011


Dear Campers,
 Welcome to Weird!  This is just a quick check in and a reminder that you did a great job this morning!  (*Yes, everyone is fine.  I have heard from both Margaret and Brook, talk about weirdos!!  Wow!)
When you feel like you there is never enough time in the day to to all the things that you want to do, remember that you have enough time to do everything that God wants you to do.  We are reminded of this in 2 Peter 1:3. "He has given to each of us all things that pertain to life and godliness".   I had a "light bulb moment" yesterday when finally I realized the TV show Cake Boss DID NOT pertain to me!  It had gotten so bad yesterday that my need for sugar laden confections had me running to get candy out of my own kids Easter baskets!  I was giving away all the wonderful time that God has given me and getting myself in trouble at the same time.  Sorry Buddy, our relationship has to end right now, God has better plans for me.   Normal Americans spend 2.8 hours a day watching TV.  I can't speak for you, but normal just isn't working for me anymore.  
 I can't wait until dark and early tomorrow.   Being a Boot Camper means that you exercise at 5:00 am and you go to bed at 9:00 pm.  You are so weird!

Good night,

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