Monday, April 4, 2011

Monsoon Monday!

Dear Campers,
What a blessing the rain was this morning!  Maybe it will help clear up all the junk that has been in the air.  I know many of you have been suffering with allergy issues.  We were missing quite a few campers this morning.  I think this was the most missed RBC ever.  You are at the midway poin in this camp.  Come on, get here tomorrow!!!  

Great job to those that braved the storm and made it through the wall-sits, planks and full body push-ups.  Although many of you thought that full body push-ups were IMPOSSIBLE, I hope that you told yourself over and over again, "I'M POSSIBLE!"  

Tomorrow's workout will be fast paced and action packed.  There will be lots of boxing and kicking to activate those fast twitch muscle fibers.  Remember, fast twitch muscle fibers are the fountain of youth.  You can never gain the ability to move faster, by moving slower!!   

Happy birthday to Nena toady.  Frank we are sending our love and Suzanne, we are sending prayers of comfort to your family for the loss of your father. 
Successful keys to the day:
1.  Spend at least 3 minutes 3 times today in prayer.
2.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
3.  Find something funny today and enjoy the benefits of laughter.
4.  Eat with wisdom......   Seriously, just ask yourself, "is this good for my health?" 
5.  Share something that is important to you with someone else today.
6.  Get to be around 9:00 tonight.
See you dark and early Tuesday,

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