Thursday, March 31, 2011


Faithful Campers,
You did great on that crazy cardio packed workout this morning!  I hope that you felt your heart rate soaring and then recovering to do it all over again!  Using your recovery heart rate as a way to gauge your fitness level is a great way to see your improvements.  The healthier that your heart is the quicker it will return to your normal resting heart rate.  Begin to pay attention to how your body is responding to RBC in a multi-faceted way.   The positive responses could not only be physical, but spiritual, emotional and social, as well.  The POSSIBILITIES are endless! 
Continue to hydrate, use wisdom when fueling your body, get to bed early and pray without ceasing.  Remove the word IMPOSSIBLE from your vocabulary and replace it with I'M POSSIBLE (as long as I am including God in my life).  Continue to share this thought process with others and watch the possibilities unfold!  Create opportunities for a fantastic day.

See you dark and early tomorrow,

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