Monday, March 28, 2011


Good Morning Campers,
Great workout this morning!  Did you learn anything about yourself during our time together this morning?  Did you think that 8 more overheard presses were impossible even if they really were?  I hope that you walked away with heavy arms and a light heart.  I encourage you to spend some time alone today and focus on feeling the presence of God as a reminder that any impossible situation will be resolved in His time.  Rely on God and say, "I'm possible" at least 20 times today.  Share this thought with others through out the day.  There are so many people that need to hear this message.  The only way to get from Impossible to I'm Possible is to put God right in the middle of it!
Here are a few healthy tips to put into practice today. 
1.  Be sure to get your hydration requirement.
2.  Eat 2 serving of fruit and 3 servings of veggies (minimum).
3.  Don't eat fried food.   If you fry, you will die!!!
4.  Eat soup for lunch.  Soup helps to fill you up on less calories.  Read the label and choose the low sodium variety.
5.  Floss your teeth and smile more than ever!
Be sure to sign-in each morning and introduce yourself to someone you don't know.  Create connections for success.

See you dark and early,

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