Monday, March 21, 2011

Marvelous Monday

Dear Campers,
Hooray!  You made it through the shock of the first day!  I know that you probably felt an afternoon lull and are probably feeling very fatigued at this point in the day.  This is perfectly normal and is to be expected.  I am so proud of you.  You did great!  Revival Boot Camp (RBC) takes awhile to "get into your blood."  Give yourself credit where credit is due and begin to remind yourself that you are moving from an "Impossible" to an "I'm Possible" mindset.  Isn't it empowering to be a part of such a cool thing at 5:00 AM?  I love it and feel so blessed to guide our journey to health and fitness together.
These are a few helpful hints or suggestions to ensure that you get the most out of your experience.
1.  Drink water, and lots of it! (Minimum of half your body weight in ounces per day)  Be sure to bring water to camp and have an extra in the car to drink on the way home.  Stop drinking unhealthy drinks that add to your caloric intake for the day.  Be aware of artificial sweeteners.
2.  Listen to your body and work at your pace, but DON'T QUIT!  There is a difference between being DONE and QUITTING!  Be sure that you are DONE (given 100%) each time you walk away from RBC.
3.  Some campers find that they feel better eating a bite or two of something before camp, while some prefer an empty stomach.  Find out what works for you.  This is something that you have to fine tune yourself.  Try both and see what works for you......I like an empty stomach!!  Could be a great conversation starter in the morning while you are walking your warm up laps!
4.  The warm up laps are there to begin to trigger your body and brain that it is awake and ready to exercise.  You must have your alarm set no later than 4:30 to ensure safety during our 5:00 am workouts.  Use the laps as a social time and also remember that there is a science behind what we are doing and it will help keep everyone safe and injury free.
5.  Tomorrow we will weigh-in for the POUND FOR POUND challenge that I have issued to you.  I will have index cards and all the necessary items.  So arrive, weigh-in and begin to walk to warm up.  Don't freak out, it will be ok, I promise!
6.  Healthy weight loss begins in the grocery store and in the kitchen, while building strength, endurance and confidence begins in the gym.  I know that this is not what many of you want to hear, but in a "normal day" it is next to impossible to exercise your way to weight loss (especially for women).  The truth is that you must be very mindful of everything that you choose to fuel your day with.   We will talk more about that each and every day!   Your family doesn't need that junk food, either! 
7.  Revival Boot Camp bed time is 9:00 pm..... make it happen and see the benefits for you and your entire family.  It is during deep REM sleep that our body releases weight regulating hormones, especially Growth Hormone (GH).  Get to bed early!
8.  Pray for your own health and fitness.
9.  Don't speed on the way to RBC, the Granbury Police force has proven to be on full alert at that time of day.  Trust me, I know and so do many other campers.  Hmmmm...sounds like another great conversation starter during warm up lap time!
If your are new to RBC, I hope you felt welcomed and if you are a returning camper, I hope you felt at home.  I would like to thank Granbury First United Methodist Church for continuing to house Revival Boot Camp.    

Until dark and early Tuesday,

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