Friday, March 25, 2011

What a great week!

Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been.  Thank you for including Revival Boot Camp in 4 hours of your life this week.  I hope that you feel like that you made a great investment of your time!   

This weekend many of your fellow campers will be participating in various fitness events such as Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon, Stepehnville Lions Club 5K, Austin Capital 10K and the Benbrook Sprint Triathalon.  If you are not participating in one of these events, I challenge you to create your own "fitness event."  Schedule it today, invite a friend to participate and finish your "event" with you and begin to feel the benefits of structured and planned exercise in your life.  Maybe it's a walk or run in the park, or a trip the the gym.   One day off is good, two days off...not so good!  After you have thought about it, please report back to me about what your event will's called accountability!   Do not sabotage yourself this weekend.  Set yourself up for success and keep those unhealthy extra pounds from aging your body.  Don't forget the pound for pound challenge.  For each pound that RBC looses, I will buy a pound of food for the food pantry in our church.  *Just a reminder that healthy weight loss cannot exceed two pounds per week. 
During this session, our devotion time continues to be wrapped in the idea of impossible situations and is grounded in Mathew 19:26 as Jesus reminds his disciples that with men alone things are impossible, but with God all things are possible.  This is such a comforting thought to me as I continually remind myself that I must fully rely on God in all aspects of my life.  This is such an uncomfortable thing for me to do, but as I have said countless times this week, "become ok with being uncomfortable!"  For me that means, picking up my cross and turning over the reins to the One who reigns supreme.   
We are 4 sentences in to the prayer that I have in my bible that addresses Impossible Situations.  Here we go so far....

"Lord, I have found myself in an impossible situation.  I don't even know how I got here, but I can't even begin to see a way out.  I am battling circumstances that I cannot defeat.  There is nothing anyone can do....just You."  Stay tuned for the rest.....

Until dark and early Monday,

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