Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been.  Let's just call it "super weird squat week!"  Thank you for adapting your schedule around Stan and I this weekend.  Revival Boot Camp is such a big part of both of our lives and we are so blessed to have such an amazing group of friends.  I am the first one to focus on strengthen my body and forgetting that relationships need to be strengthened as well.  Let's all use this weekend to build solid foundations in the relationships we hold so dearly. 
A few reminders:
1.  This Saturday is "Stamp out Hunger Day".  Just leave your non-perishable and non-glass food items by your mail box and the postal service will pick them up and donate to all local charities.  Very cool!
2.  Friday night is Relay for Life.  It will be held at GMS this year and the weather should be perfect.  Figure out a way to be a part of this special event.  Either in person or by donation, we can all play a part. 
3.  There will be a group of walker and runners leaving the Y parking lot at 6:30 am and at 8:00 am on Saturday morning if you would like an accountability and friendly opportunity to exercise.  Come and be a part of a great thing.
4.  If you have kids interested in taking Karate lessons, there will be an information meeting at the Yon Monday night at 5:30 (*meeting actually at Comfort Suites) followed by a meeting for parents interested in their children attending Camp Carter this summer. 
5.  Drink your water, eat your veggies, if you fry you will die, floss your teeth, say your prayers, share grace, give thanks, give more that your get and forgive yourself when you fall short.  Attached is the Cory Morrow song, "When He Carries Me".......enjoy!
6.  Turn the page, explore a new chapter, seek the next book!

See you dark and early,

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