Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly weird-up

Hey campers,

What a great week it has been.  Lunge after lunge you have shown that you can replicate what is right and what works to get stronger.  I hope that you are sharing the "ways of the weird" with others.  As we choose NOT to conform to this world, but be transformed by the daily renewing of our minds, we may be looked at differently by normal people.  Be OK with being weird, which at times can be uncomfortable as well!

At this moment I am giving a test to 18 college students that have embarked on a 12 day mini-mester in Exercise Science withme.  It is only day three and is the equivalent of week three in the long semester.  Many have not yet gotten comfortable with the "Amy McKay Way" and all of them think that I am the wEiRdEsT person on the's a good day!

Continue to pray for rain and express gratitude when we get it.  Remember that every day is "bring a friend" day at RBC.  It's never too late to start all over again.  I am working on summer RBC dates.  Please email me a quick bit of input as to what you would like to see in a summer program.  Just curious about length of camps, days of camp and times of camps.  I can never say thank you enough to each of you for the important role you play in my wonderfully weird world.  God bless you.

Replicating what is right,

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