Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last chance workout...

Dear Campers,
Great job with WEIRD yoga this morning!  It was a series of Warrior II, Extended Side Angle, Inversion in Straddle, Revolved Triangle, and Down Dog.  Thank you for taking the journey under the lights this morning.  Tomorrow's workout will be a great way to bring this camp to an end.  It will be a beast.  I am inviting my class from Tarleton to join us, so be on your best behavior!  Ha ha!
As you check in tomorrow Martha will be distributing your T-shirts.  After workout I would love to get a quick picture of the weirdest people I know.  I will announce the summer RBC schedule tomorrow as well.  I hope that your day is filled with joyful moments.  Bring it in a big way tomorrow.

See you dark and early,

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