Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hey Campers,
Great job this morning with the Turkish Get-Ups!  Those are are killer and we didn't even get to the part where we were using our dumbbells!  (We will certainly save that weirdness for a week or two from now!)  This mornings workout should have been a physical reminder that you always get back up when life finds you flat on your back.  Allow your soul to be revived each time you get up and face a new challenge or new day. 
Reminder that we will be working out tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) morning.  We will not meet this FRIDAY.  Stan and I will be celebrating our 18th anniversary.  If you have a special RBC buddy that does not check email or Facebook, please give them a shout and let them know about the change!  Thank you so much for adapting to my schedule.  We really appreciate it! 
If you have not found RBC on Facebook, check it and and become a fan!  It's a great way to share the love.  Today's quote of the day is, "be weird in the best kind of way!"  I can guarantee that God is creating opportunities to show amazing grace and wonderful weirdness to others.  "Get-up" and allow it to happen.

See you dark and early tomorrow,

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