Monday, November 29, 2010

Dearest Campers -
It was so good to see you this morning!  I was so glad to get back in the groove with you and continue or Celebration of Discipline time together.  Last week we explored the discipline of MEDITATION.  It is my hope that you are finding a few moments each day to "tune into" all the good things happening around you each day.  This week we begin to add the discipline of PRAYER to our everyday lives.  As I quoted our the book this morning, "prayer catapults us on to the frontier of the spiritual life."  When I saw the verb "catapults" in that sentence, it made me feel that my prayers could be so strong, so intentional and so full of purpose.  Frequently I have referred to certainly people in my life as "prayer warriors."  I now know why I see them as warriors...they simply catapult their prayers directly at the feet of Jesus and know that they will certainly be on mark every time!
I want to welcome Tim, Sheila and Bridgette to camp.  They are all first time campers and joined in the magic this morning.  Tomorrow morning I will be putting you into groups again.  You will need to check in with your group leader each morning.  You will be receiving emails and helpful hints from me and from your group leaders as well.  Group leaders are there to help everyone feel really connected to the program and to help you meet and get to know other campers.  Remember it will be leg day tomorrow, so get to bed early and be ready for dark and early fun times!

Blessings to all,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Dear Campers,
If you have been outside this morning, you certainly know that the winds of change are with us today.  It is my hope that you are feeling the winds of change throughout your body this morning as well.  Remember change happens fast and change happens slow.   I would encourage you to use the Divine timing of the impending weather change to affirm the changes you are welcoming into your life.  As you are entering into your time of meditaton today, use Foster's wisdom as he explains that, "meditation is the one thing that can sufficiently redirect our lives so that we can deal with human life more successfully."  As I began to soak up that passage the part about "dealing with human life more successfully," really resonated deep within me.  Sign me up for that immediately!  I hope that that passage speaks to you, as well.  Get outside today and feel this wind in your face, see the leaves falling from the trees and attach to all that is good around you.
You do need to reserve some time today to get some exercise in.  The minimum is 40 minutes of sustained cardiovascular movement.  Examples of this would be walking, running, swimming, swimming, or time on an elliptical machine!  This will help your level of soreness decrease and aid your body in staying in calorie burning mode.   Be aware of everything you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself, "is this for the highest and best good for my health?"  If the answer is NO, then put it down and make a better choice. 
Feel free to email me with question, concerns or comments you may have that pop up throughout your day.  I am here to assist you in your journey.  I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

Abundant blessing to you,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hello Campers -

Well, you really "hit it hard" today at RBC!  I know that boxing is a favorite for many of you.  If you have never boxed before, when you wake up in the morning you may experience a feeling in your back similar to that of kidney failure!  Let me assure you that your kidneys are fine, but you do have a severe case of the boxing flu!  The good news is that it is not contagious and that in 48-72 hours you will feel as good as new again!!  You should feel the boxing in the morning......I can hardly wait!  Think of me often..........

Our focus from the book this morning explained that when we embark into Christian meditation, our goal is not detachment from everything in our lives, about attachment to all the good things around us.  Foster explains that, "Christian meditation leads our inner wholeness to attach to God and follow His plan for our lives."  During our gathering this morning, I also shared the quote that I heard on the Dave Ramsey radio show on Monday afternoon.  It was, "each of us must bear one of two weights.  The weight of self-discipline or the weight of regret.  The weight of self-discipline is ounces, while the weight of regret is tons."  This really made me think of all the times that I have felt so "heavy" in my life .........just maybe it was the weight of regret.  Let's strive to lighten our load together with the practices of self-discipline.
I am so proud of each of you.  You continue rise up and meet each challenge I throw at you.  Great job!   

If you have not become a fan or friend of the Revival Boot Camp Facebook page, please check it out.  Just search for Revival Boot Camp and it should appear.  (I have heard some campers say that searching Revival Camp yields better results.)    It can be a great way to communicate with other campers and share ideas and messages.  I do want to add Menielle Donahoo, aka RBC Media Queen, to our prayer lists.  She had foot surgery last Thursday and is on the mend and doing great.  Maybe I can bribe into hobbling into camp one day next week to get a new Celebration of Discipline video posted on FB!!  We miss you Menielle, speedy recovery to you, sister.
I will be sending you quotes from the book for the remainder of this week.  Staying connected is another way to stay self-disciplined.  Find time to meditate and attach this somehow this evening.

Blessings to all,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Good afternoon Campers -

Wow!  You did thrived through day 1 of RBC (Revival Boot Camp) Celebration of Discipline!  I know that many of you were in a state of body shock this morning.   Let me assure you that it is okay to feel that way.  Whenever we step outside our comfort zone and try something new, there are will be moments of fear, self-doubt and self-evaluation.  Simply by stepping into RBC you have invited change into your life, so greet it and allow it to move in and stay awhile. 
The book that will be guiding our time together in this camp will be Celebration of Disciplineby Richard J. Foster.  This books is going to guide us through 5 different practices that will bring more self-discipline into each of our lives.  As I mentioned this morning, MEDITATION is the self-discipline practice that we are focusing on this week.  In his book Foster says, "Christian meditation, very simply, is the ability to hear God's voice and obey his word.  It is that simple.  It involves no hidden mysteries, no secret mantras no mental gymnastics, no flights into the cosmic consciousness.  It is just being still enough to listen and smart enough to obey."  I understand that it sounds very bizarre for the "fitchick" to be asking you to be still for a moment instead of moving every waking moment of your life, but I encourage you to find a place that is your space, and your space alone to invite God to commune with you for a bit.  I understand that in this fast paced holiday season this will be very challenging for all of us.  I am going to make this happen in my life and I am going to believe that growing this self-discipline will bring blessings beyond my wildest imagination and a renewing peace to my heart. 
Each of us are seeking strength and success during this RBC experience.  One way to obtain that success in this camp is to begin to pay attention to EVERYTHING you put in your mouth.  Some helpful hints would be to:
1.  drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.
2.  stop snacking.  Eat three times per day ONLY. 
3.  do not drink a calorie.  Your new beverage choices are water, green tea, coffee and sugar-free beverages in moderation.  No more that two sugar-free beverages per day. 
4.  chose clear broth based soups for lunch or dinner.  Add an apple and a TBSP of peanut butter for dessert and you are good to go until the next meal time.
5.  learn to be ok with being a bit hungry.  Odds are you are not truly hungry, you are probably thirsty, tired or bored.  Drink up,  do something productive and think a new thought! 
6.  don't feed your fatigue, rest your fatigue.  Grab a 5-10 power nap mid-afternoon instead of reaching for something to eat. 
7.  eat 6 serving of veggies everyday.  They are loaded with anti-oxidants and will keep you healthy from the inside out.  Also, they are very low calorie, unless you fry or drown them in butter or ranch dressing.  If you will die!
8.  don't feed your family one meal and then fix a "diet" meal for you.  Eating healthy should be a goal for strong and vibrant families.  You would never "poison" your kids would you?  You may be putting sugary, fat laden food in your kids without really thinking about it....STOP and make a change now.  It may be time for a kitchen clean out for the sake of the entire family.
9.  get to bed at least 30 minutes earlier than your normal.  All of our weight regulating hormones kick in when we are in deep REM sleep. Boot campers "lights out time" should be NO LATER that 10:00 pm,  preferably 9:00pm!!  This is another habit that can benefit your family, too.  Turn off the TV and go to sleep!  Read a new book.  Readers are leaders in our world today! 
I want to give another warm welcome to the new campers this session and remind them that the surest way to get fitter and healthier is to get fitter and healthier friends.  Many of you got 68 new fit and healthy friends today.  Use these new friends to guide your path and light the way for you.  I would encourage everyone to secretly find someone in the room tomorrow morning to keep your eye and your heart on.  Just glance at this person when you are having a moment of self-doubt or self-sabotage; draw energy from their abundance and know that they are right there with you.  Every person in RBC wants the absolute best for everyone in the program.  Please allow RBC to get into your head first, your heart next and then into your body. 

I thank you for allowing me to guide you in this process.  I am humbled by the sheer power of you presence and the spirit of God in this space.  See you dark and early tomorrow.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hi Campers,

As I sit here on Sunday evening, I can hardly contain my excitement and anticipation about seeing you tomorrow morning dark and early.  I just wanted to check in with you regarding a few topics that will make tomorrow move smoothly.  After careful consideration, I have made a small change to the "normal" RBC plan.  I have received feedback from many campers regarding the T-shirts.  Some of you love and cannot wait to get and wear your T-shirts while some of you are not T-shirt wearers.  I understand both groups 100%, so in an effort to keep everyone happy, I have decided to keep the $80 price if you want the T-shirt or drop the price to $75 for those of you that do not want the T-shirts.   I want this program to meet the needs of each and every camper.  I can also let you know that if you would like to purchase additional T-shirts, even in kids sizes, I will be able to do that also for $5 for each additional shirt.  Tomorrow morning I will have a slip of paper for you to paper clip to your check (made out to Amy McKay) or  cash to.  On this sheet of paper you will let me know information regarding proper T-shirt ordering instructions for you during this camp.  The T-shirts for this camp will be long sleeved, so that may or may not change your decision and sizing information. 

We will not be fitness testing this camp.  I need to "hit you hard" and get your head, heart and body into a Celebration of Discipline mojo!  Arrive to be revived! 

Get some rest and see you dark and early Monday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hey Campers,

Wow, you did such a fantastic job this morning!  Between the dumbbell tosses and the "open-knees, open-ankles, please" you did not miss a trick!  You are giving each rep all that you have and I am so proud of each of you.  I do want to remind you that the physical strength work that we do together in RBC is only part of the journey to overall health and fitness.  Each of us must focus on controlling the foods that we are putting in our bodies.  Speaking of nutrition, tonight is the night that I have suggested that you either skip supper or have a broth based soup instead of a regular evening meal.  

Enjoy sleeping in the morning and just think, the sun will actually be coming up as you are getting up....hooray!   Hasn't it been beautiful to see the sunrise on the way home after your workout?   I LOVE it!  Remember that your body releases HGH when you are in in a fasted state and while you are in REM sleep.  Make it happen tonight!  Unleash your body's potential for new lean growth tonight. 

I cannot wait to see you Thursday morning to see how strong you have gotten! 

Blessings to all,

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Thursday Campers -

Great job with the "static and strength" workout this morning! I am so excited to see your greatness on video.  Menielle is doing such a great job keeping us technologically fit......thank you!  I am sure that the video will make us smile for sure!   Quite a few of you were absent this morning.  I have heard from some of you*, but I am wondering if wake up calls are in order for others!!!

Here's the absentee list from today:  (I think that this is the most we have ever had out...not a good record to set!)
Cindy G.*
Greg C.
Dub G.
Maria G.*
Rhonda N.*
Connie U.
Maria W.
Tonya C.
Keri F.
Karen G.
Jana H.
Dana R.
Russ G.
Ellyn G.
Shanee P.
Dustin C.
Rebecca M.
McKenna P.

Let's all be sure to keep these friends on our prayer list to keep them safe until we see them dark and early on Monday.
OK, after visiting with a few panicked Boot Campers about the two week break between this camp and the next, I have made a schedule modification.  So.......begin to spread the word that the next Revival Boot Camp "A Celebration of Discipline" will start on November 22 and go through December 21.  There will be two weeks in the middle of camp of that camp that we will meet four days a week.  I am doing this to ensure that you get all 15 sessions in the camp.  I also feel like we can keep the group "in check" during the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I hope that this schedule change is pleasing to you and helps keep you on track to meet your goals.  Keep recruiting new Campers everywhere you go.  You are the Revival Boot Camp walking advertising!  Thank you so much!

Remember that you have homework over the weekend.  You must get at least two intense cardio sessions in the next three days.  If you are looking to "mix things up,"  try not taking Sunday off from your exercise plan and use next Wednesday as your off day.  You cannot get a different result by doing the same thing.  Try it!
I hope you day is filled with unexpected laughter and joy!  See you dark and early on Monday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good morning Campers -

Well, I am certainly curious as to who took me up on my challenge of skipping dinner last night? If you did, how did you feel when you woke up this morning?  I am so proud of you for taking a leap of faith and trying to embrace a completely new idea.  Even if by chance you are not buying into the increased HGH production while you are hungry, (maybe you are not completely dedicated to the crazy mckay way!) the simple caloric restriction of missing one meal a week could add up to a pound of fat loss per month IF you are not replacing those calories elsewhere in your clean eating program.  Let me know how you did?  It is always going to be Tuesdays that I recommend that you skip supper, due to the ability to sleep in on Wednesday mornings!  Let's just begin to call it an SS=Skip Supper night!  One camper text me last night seeking a few hints to make it through the night.  A few tips that I was able offer were: lots of herbal tea, a big to-do list and even a bit of chicken broth if you get really desperate.  Warm beverages really tend to help me.  Hear me when I say that this is not easy for me either and that after 4 weeks I am truly starting to see a difference in my body.  Again, I am only recommending this to those of you with no health problems and are trying to drop a bit of body you hear me 100%?   If you are seeking more information of the basics of the science that I am recommending to you

Remember that tomorrow is Bring a Friend to RBC day!  So hop on the phone and find someone that NEEDS this program.  Share the love!  See you dark and early tomorrow and I will pray that you get what you need!

Blessings to all,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Great job this morning Campers!!!  You pushed, planked and sat-up to the world this morning and planted the seeds of strength in your body and soul today.  Be sure to hydrate those seeds today!  Remember to drink half your body weight in ounces of water today and everyday for now on.  To be very honest, I did not drink my water yesterday and I can feel it today.  My skin and eyes feel dry and I am feeling a bit sluggish due to dehydration.  Once you feel how great being fully hydrated feels, you certainly know what dehydrated feels like....yuck!   Make it your plan to get three quality meals today and cut out the snacking....period. 
I know it might have seemed a bit strange to use the Texas Rangers in my example of WANTS vs. NEEDS this morning,  but this just illustrates the point that these examples are in every aspect of our lives.  Choosing to live a life where we LOSE our WANTS and LIVE our NEEDS is a struggle that I deal with daily as a Christian, as a wife, as a mother, as a teacher and as a friend.  We live in a world that teaches us to "take care of yourself first."  This idea is in direct conflict with the the Bible, as it tells us to put others' needs before ours.  Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds."  We must believe that in caring for others first, our cup will be plentifully filled to care for ourselves.  I want extend gratitude to each of you for filling my cup.  Seeing each of you every morning is such a joy in my life.  I would encourage you to take a few moments today and experience how putting others first instantly fills your cup. 
If you were not in class this morning, please know that your spot will be there tomorrow.  You NEED to use it!  As you move through your day know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength, your success and that you get all that you NEED.


P.S.  I forgot to tell you this morning that this is BRING A FRIEND week at RBC.  I know that you have someone in your life that NEEDS and WANTS to be in our group.  Please invited them to come on either Tuesday or Thursday this week.  Be sure to introduce them to me so that we can sign proper parerwork and be sure to let them know all that they need to bring!