Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weird Finale

Happy Friday,
It is the last day of Weird Boot Camp, the last day of school and the first day of summer vacation!!   Hooray!  I hope that your day started off great and has only gotten better.  Thank you to each of you for being so kind to my TSU students.  I hope that you see how strong and fit you are and realize that you are in better shape than college kids of 2011........  Kudos to you and I am still working on them!!!!!  They had a great time and were amazed at your levels of fitness.  My worlds collided this morning and it was weird in the best way possible. 
Enjoy your time off but don't stop moving.  This is a great time to explore other ways to move your body.  Change is good.  Enjoy sleeping a bit and get fired up for our next session that runs from June 13 - July 15 on MWF mornings.  (*I may wiggle a Friday to a Thursday depending on Stan's work/travel schedule.  I will always let you know.)  The cost is $80 if you want a T-shirt, $75 if you don't.  I will be sending an occasional check-in email over the next two weeks.  Please pray for all the Granbury High School seniors and their families.   It's a big night tonight. 
I would like to extend a big thank you to each of you for your participation in Revival Boot Camp and to Granbury First United Methodist for being the house the welcomes each of us dark and early.  I hope that your Memorial Day Weekend is filled with relaxation and joy.  I know our hearts will be filled with gratitude as we honor our Armed Services.  Take a moment smile and say, "thank you" to a veteran or a enlisted soldier this weekend.  

Talk to you weirdos soon,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last chance workout...

Dear Campers,
Great job with WEIRD yoga this morning!  It was a series of Warrior II, Extended Side Angle, Inversion in Straddle, Revolved Triangle, and Down Dog.  Thank you for taking the journey under the lights this morning.  Tomorrow's workout will be a great way to bring this camp to an end.  It will be a beast.  I am inviting my class from Tarleton to join us, so be on your best behavior!  Ha ha!
As you check in tomorrow Martha will be distributing your T-shirts.  After workout I would love to get a quick picture of the weirdest people I know.  I will announce the summer RBC schedule tomorrow as well.  I hope that your day is filled with joyful moments.  Bring it in a big way tomorrow.

See you dark and early,

Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly weird-up

Hey campers,

What a great week it has been.  Lunge after lunge you have shown that you can replicate what is right and what works to get stronger.  I hope that you are sharing the "ways of the weird" with others.  As we choose NOT to conform to this world, but be transformed by the daily renewing of our minds, we may be looked at differently by normal people.  Be OK with being weird, which at times can be uncomfortable as well!

At this moment I am giving a test to 18 college students that have embarked on a 12 day mini-mester in Exercise Science withme.  It is only day three and is the equivalent of week three in the long semester.  Many have not yet gotten comfortable with the "Amy McKay Way" and all of them think that I am the wEiRdEsT person on the's a good day!

Continue to pray for rain and express gratitude when we get it.  Remember that every day is "bring a friend" day at RBC.  It's never too late to start all over again.  I am working on summer RBC dates.  Please email me a quick bit of input as to what you would like to see in a summer program.  Just curious about length of camps, days of camp and times of camps.  I can never say thank you enough to each of you for the important role you play in my wonderfully weird world.  God bless you.

Replicating what is right,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Dear Campers,
What a great week it has been.  Let's just call it "super weird squat week!"  Thank you for adapting your schedule around Stan and I this weekend.  Revival Boot Camp is such a big part of both of our lives and we are so blessed to have such an amazing group of friends.  I am the first one to focus on strengthen my body and forgetting that relationships need to be strengthened as well.  Let's all use this weekend to build solid foundations in the relationships we hold so dearly. 
A few reminders:
1.  This Saturday is "Stamp out Hunger Day".  Just leave your non-perishable and non-glass food items by your mail box and the postal service will pick them up and donate to all local charities.  Very cool!
2.  Friday night is Relay for Life.  It will be held at GMS this year and the weather should be perfect.  Figure out a way to be a part of this special event.  Either in person or by donation, we can all play a part. 
3.  There will be a group of walker and runners leaving the Y parking lot at 6:30 am and at 8:00 am on Saturday morning if you would like an accountability and friendly opportunity to exercise.  Come and be a part of a great thing.
4.  If you have kids interested in taking Karate lessons, there will be an information meeting at the Yon Monday night at 5:30 (*meeting actually at Comfort Suites) followed by a meeting for parents interested in their children attending Camp Carter this summer. 
5.  Drink your water, eat your veggies, if you fry you will die, floss your teeth, say your prayers, share grace, give thanks, give more that your get and forgive yourself when you fall short.  Attached is the Cory Morrow song, "When He Carries Me".......enjoy!
6.  Turn the page, explore a new chapter, seek the next book!

See you dark and early,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hey Campers,
Great job this morning with the Turkish Get-Ups!  Those are are killer and we didn't even get to the part where we were using our dumbbells!  (We will certainly save that weirdness for a week or two from now!)  This mornings workout should have been a physical reminder that you always get back up when life finds you flat on your back.  Allow your soul to be revived each time you get up and face a new challenge or new day. 
Reminder that we will be working out tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) morning.  We will not meet this FRIDAY.  Stan and I will be celebrating our 18th anniversary.  If you have a special RBC buddy that does not check email or Facebook, please give them a shout and let them know about the change!  Thank you so much for adapting to my schedule.  We really appreciate it! 
If you have not found RBC on Facebook, check it and and become a fan!  It's a great way to share the love.  Today's quote of the day is, "be weird in the best kind of way!"  I can guarantee that God is creating opportunities to show amazing grace and wonderful weirdness to others.  "Get-up" and allow it to happen.

See you dark and early tomorrow,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap-up

Dear Campers,
It has been such a weird week!  Hooray to everyone trying to let go of a normal life and embrace a life that is so weird that the good stuff does not get in the way of the GREAT stuff!  Each day you are transforming and not conforming to the world around you.  I am so proud of you.  One day last week we talked about how little time each of us have to get everything done.  I keep reminding myself of what Craig Groeschel, the author of "WEIRD:Because Normal Isn't Working" says, "you have enough time to do everything that God wants you to do."  My current prayers is that God will give give me the discernment, courage, and patience to work on His timeline not mine!   
We are down to three weeks left in this camp.  I know that the end of school is such a hectic time for all of us.  If you are missing RBC, please know that we miss you and are praying for you.  I know quite a few of you that have graduating seniors.  Please send me those names so that we can pray for them by name as they turn this pages in their lives!  Teachers, we thank you today and everyday for your hard work and efforts at educating our children.  We really appreciate you. 
Keeping your healthy habits in check is a great way to ensure that your (God's) time is used efficiently!
     1.  Drink your water.
     2.  2 fruits and 3 vegges every day.
     3.  Don't eat fried food.
     4.  No white flour.....only 100% whole grain items. Fiber is your friend.
     5.  RBC bed time is 9:00 pm.
     6.  Be weird!
A big HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all RBC Moms!  You are setting such a great example of faith, friends, and fitness for your children.  Enjoy your weekend.   Create just a glimmer of time for some exercise.  *There will be a group of walkers/runners at the Y in the mornng at 8:00. 
Tonight is First Friday at Barking Rocks Winery.  The weather will be perfect for a bit of relaxation and socialization. 

See you dark and early Monday,