Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good morning Campers,

I hope that you enjoyed the extra hour of sleep this morning and that you are feeling energized and ready to conquer your day!  Today you must find a way to connect 30-40 minutes together and move you body quickly and repeatedly (cardio work!).  This is truly what your body needs.  Try to get outside and soak up some of this amazing weather and allow your body to make it's own vitamin D from the sunshine!  Maybe you need to do it on your lunch hour..........  Get it done!  

Now on to the fun news.  You have to hop on Facebook and become a fan of the Revival Boot Camp page.  The video is uploaded and is sooooo cool.  I am blown away with how beautiful my world is at 5:00am.  You have to check it out!  It will make you smile for sure!  I want to give thanks to the RBC technology queen, Menielle Donahoo.  She has graciously volunteered to help us stay connected in the technology realm!  There is also a RBC blog spot that is currently in the works.  My prayer is that other can be inspired by this group and begin to make a shift in habits that can drastically enhance their quality of life.
Continue to eat clean and try to keep your snacking to a minimum.  Enjoy your meals three times per day!  Allow your body to run like a Ferrari not a Pinto!

Have a super day and know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength, you success and that your needs be met.  See you dark and early Thursday.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow -

What a fantastic Monday workout!  Who was that crazy chick kicking our tails this morning?  She must have had a double shot in her espresso this morning, huh?  Well, all I can say is that I hope you were challenged right up to your intelligent edge...that point where you are being pushed to grow and not pushed to injury.  

Just a reminder that Tuesday is Ab Isolation day, so be sure to bring your mat so that your tail bone will be protected. 

I am so glad that we allowed a bit of time this morning to visit about the changes that I am challenging you to make in your nutritional fueling plan.  I know this will be very hard, but remember that you cannot keep things the same and get a different result.  Change happens quick in some areas, but slow in some.  Give yourself time to soul search.  What is truly comes down to is if you really want to change or not.  People that say that they want to change, but don't do anything to spur that change, really DO NOT WANT to change.  If you need a change, then your actions have to reflect it.  What a great time to revisit our NEED and WANT theme for this sesson of Revival Boot Camp.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 2

Week 2 of "You Get What You Need" Boot Camp is complete!  Today you boxed, kicked and pushed your way to a stronger you!  Congratulations!  Stand up and give yourself a little victory dance.  You deserve it!  Reward yourself with positive words and the wonderful feeling of getting what you needed.  I have a fantastic quote that I think fits this moment. 
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements to life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."     - Charles Kingly
Setting your alarm and claiming your new POWER word should show that you are being truly enthusiastic about being strong physically, mentally and spiritually!  Keep smiling, and plugging away and more than you can imagine will come your way.
Many of you are seeking more help and direction in the nutrition and weight loss arena.  I have had countless people that I know experiment with the new hot topic in weight loss right now.....the HGH diet (human growth hormone.)  This diet involves: 1.) either taking a siblingual GH derivative or injecting GH directly into the muscle, 2.)consuming a very low calorie diet and 3.) not exercising.   GH is the hormone that allows us to grow from infancy to adulthood and continues to be released by our pituitary gland throughout our lives.  This hormone is truly the fountain of youth.    Due to the popularity of this hot topic I began to  look for the science behind the "HGH diet." I came across some interesting research as I was trying to learn more about the "HGH diet" that many are spending hundreds of dollars on.   It has had great results, and I wanted to know why! Some of this new research is showing that snacking (or consuming 6 small meals a day..which has been the fitness industry recommendation for the past 5 years) can be at the root of diabetes, insulin resistance and carrying too much weight, primarily body fat for some individuals.   When we are in an insulin dependent state, our bodies assume we are content and do not send the message to our pituitary glad to release GH as a repair, restore, and fat burning mechanism.   The "GH diet" does work, but not necessarily due to the supplement, but due to the lower caloric intake triggering the pituitary glad to release it's own natural GH!  A body with a normal functioning pituitary gland does not need external GH to tap into the youthful benefits of the hormone and, as a matter of fact, extra GH in the system can cause a variety of negative side-effects.  Long story short, eating small meals throughout the day can keep us in an insulin dependant state which can actually be contributing to that "up and down" blood sugar crash, NOT preventing it.   I know this sounds crazy, but try increasing your caloric intake at each meal by 100 just calories (ex. - apple for dessert!)  Lose the snacking (seriously, you were probably eating more than 300 calories a day snacking, right?)  When your tummy rumbles at 10:30 or 3:30 remind yourself that you just ate 400-500 calories not too long ago and that you ARE NOT HUNGRY.   Guzzle 24 ounces of water and wait until the next meal time.  I know that I am going to be the go-against-the-grain gal in Granbury fitness, but I have to share what the new science is yielding.  Hey, someone has to be the freak...why not me?  Apparently the current advise of eating 6 small meals a day is not working for many of you, so we have to make some sort of change.  If you are trying to gain weight, then yes, eat frequently, but if you are trying to manage or lose weight from your fat stores, you have to eat....then STOP......then eat to allow your bodies built-in fat regulating system to work.   Just look at Lisa P's, Carrie Sonderer's and my body....we are the test group, and yes, our bodies, that were stuck,  are changing.  You know me and my apple and PB at is killing me, too.  Change is good and will always produce different results.  Just think and be open to new ideas.  *If you are hard-core endurance training (periods of two hours or more of continuous exercise), pregnant, nursing, have diabetes, or have hypoglycemia please stick to your doctors recommended guidelines.

Don't let the weekend undo your desired results.

Radically yours,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

 I just wanted to check in and let you know I am thinking about each of you.  Evening time can be a nutrition nightmare for many of us......just wanting you feel connected and to keep things in check.  Trust me, we can all us the accountability check in.  Get to bed early and get ready for a full on fitness attack dark and early tomorrow!
Have a super evening.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hey, campers,

How are you?  You did a fantastic job this morning with each and every rep this morning.  You never cease to amaze me with your willingness to step up to the challenges that I throw at you.  You are living the "do your best and forget the rest" approach to a fitness program.  As long as you are doing YOUR best, then you will propel yourself further down the road to health, strength and fitness.  I want to remind you that Revival Boot Camp is a strength and endurance based program that is designed for you to feel empowered and energized to meet the challenges that life brings each of us day to day. 
In addition to the training that you are doing, the way you are choosing to fuel yourself will be a critical component to your success. 
1.  Drink your water.
2.  Eat two apples every day.
3.  Consume 5 servings of veggies.
4.  If you will die!
5.  No alcohol.
6.  All 100% whole grain breads and pastas.
7.  Try to eat 3 meals a day and STOP snacking.  I know this is a bit different than you have heard in the past.  There is an emerging school of thought that eating 6 small meals a day to "keep you metabolic rate up" may not be the best way to  manage or loose weight.  If you are trying to gain or maintain weight, continue to eat throughout the day, but the rest of us really need to change our eating patterns.  I am going to address this thought process again next week.  You cannot get different results doing the same thing!!!  Do you NEED to change?
I would like for you to be thinking of a word that can be a common bond for you and your group.  This will be the first word that you say to yourself every morning as your alarm goes off.  (For many of us, this will be a departure from the typical first word we say in that alarm clock moment!!!)  This will be an accountability word that only the members of your group will know...kinda like a secret password to an underground fitness society that meets in the wee hours of the morning!
Remember, another link to success is to keep your faith in check!  Make time for a daily devotional and continually give thanks for all that you have, all that you are and all you will be.  Surround yourself with loving and supportive friends and guard your heart against those that will pull you away from your goals.  Make a new friend at Boot Camp on Thursday.  They just may be the person that God has sent to bring you blessings!  Step out in faith......
As always I will be praying for your safety, your strength, your success and that your NEEDS be met.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

End of 1st week...

Hey Campers -
First week of "Get What Ya Need Boot Camp" is in the record books and you did great!  I hope that it felt great for the returning campers to be back in the groove again.  If you are a new camper in search of the groove, I promise you will find it soon!  Your body will be in shock this week as it adapts to the new schedule and new challenges you are asking it to meet.  Sleep is the cure for everything that ails you.  Get in bed as early as possible and sleep as late as possible over the late nighters!   Do not allow the weekend to wreck all the good work you have done this week.  Same nutrition rules apply on the weekend.   Begin to "soul search" and really differentiate between what your body wants and what your body needs.  I will be the first to admit that I struggle daily with this same issue and through our Boot Camp time and study together, I pray that I become stronger in making "need" decisions instead of "want" choices.  We can find inspiration in the Bible in Isaiah 58:11, "The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.  You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."  Claim this as your focus during our journey together.

Remember to continue with your hydration and clean eating.   This is the quickest route to meeting your goals and to stay ramped up for your next workout.  This morning I forgot to tell you that you do have homework for the weekend.  The homework is to get a minimum of 30 minutes of interval cardio work at least twice over the next three days.  This means that you choose a modality (walking, running, cycling, swimming, or even skipping)  and perform that activity at 80% of your maximum effort for two minutes and then back off to 60% effort and recover for two minutes.  Continue to repeat this cycle for 30 minutes.  Always remember to allow a 5 minute warm-up time and a 5 minute cool-down time.....this does not count in your total 30 minute workout time!!!!   If you would like a group to move with there is a group that starts at the Y at 7:00 am.  This is a group of super walkers and runners.  Do not be shy, come give it a try!  Meet in the parking lot of the Y at 7:00am.
I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to Revival Boot Camp

I am so proud of you!  You did a fantastic job with the fitness testing this morning.  I know that it is not the "funnest" way for us to start our time together, but is the best way for you to know, without a doubt,  that you will be stronger 5 weeks from now!  Revival Boot Camp is about finding your strength from the inside out and creating new friends that set their faith and their fitness as a priority in their lives.  If you are a new camper, I would like to welcome you personally, and also let you know that Granbury First United Methodist Church welcomes you to our facility.   Please, please. please do not feel intimidated or frustrated with anything that goes on at Boot Camp.  This group of people loves you and supports each and every effort you make on this fitness journey.

As you heard me mention this morning, your food jounaling begins NOW.  Becoming aware of everything you put in your mouth is the first step in creating change from within.  There are great apps available for iPhones.  You can use the app called "Lose It" and stay linked with your friends.  (Kinda like Words With Friends, but health and fitness style!!)  Drink your water.....half your body weight in ounces every day.  Yes, you will be in the restroom frequently in the beginning until your body gets fully hydrated.   Think of all the extra steps you will be taking!!  Another great habit to get into each day is eating an apple.  This simple fruit has a plethora of health benefits, so jump on board.  Load up on fresh fruit and veggies.  They are packed with healthy nutrients and low in calories (unless your drowned them in Ranch dressing or butter).  Make good choices.  Truthfully, your nutrition commitment is even more important than the exercise commitment you have made to Revival Boot Camp.  You no longer have the opportunity to consume beverages that contain calories.  The exception to this skim milk in moderation. 

If you are not used to the Boo Camp lifestyle, I will caution you that you will feel an afternoon sinking feeling.  Unless you are truly hungry, do not eat to boost your energy.  Take a 5 minute power nap instead and get a cup of green tea in your system.  Be sure you are not feeding your fatigue instead of resting it.  You must adjust your evening schedule to get yourself in bed earlier.  You have to get quality sleep in order to release your bodies natural Growth Hormone (more on GH later).  This will be easier because the days are getting shorter.  If you have children, this will be beneficial for them, also.  Recent studies show that 68% of elementary age children are sleep deprived.  Get your family to bed at least 30 minutes earlier than normal starting tonight.    Try cutting out some evening TV time.  I know this sounds harsh but trust me, your body needs the sleep more than you need to know what is happening on Grey's Anatomy!!!  Limit yourself to 30 minutes per day.  What if we held ourself to the same standards that we do our children??  Wow, that's a radical thought, isn't it!!! 

Again, I commend you on a job well done this morning and would remind you that, "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you will find, you get what you NEED!"  We all need this reminder, don't we?  I can not wait to see you dark and early tomorrow!

Much love,