Friday, June 3, 2011


Hi campers,
I just had to say hi and keep your brains and bodies moving in a positive direction.  Today challenge yourself to stand up and then sit down in a chair quickly at least 100 times.  Do this without putting your hands on your thighs!  Just a way to keep your "rest time" in proper form!  Also, I wanted to let you know that there will be a group of runners and walkers departing the Y at 6:15 tomorrow morning.  Take advantage of the cool mornings while they are here.  Make plans to be there, I guarantee that there will be someone that moves at your exact pace, so don't be scared you will get left behind.  Check in with a buddy and make it happen.  During this break from RBC, I want to encourage you to take responsibility for the energy you bring to any situation.  Keep yourself in check and don't allow yourself to bring negative energy to any situations that you may find yourself in.  Create good and be OK with being uncomfortable.  Please know that I am always praying for your safety, your strength and your success.


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