Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Checking in

Dear Campers,
I hope that this email finds you feeling strong and fit this morning!  You did great with the workout yesterday and I have another action-packed and challenging workout planned for tomorrow.  You need to be there.  Many of you were missing yesterday.  If you are vacationing, you are excused, but if you were just lazy, fix it and make it happen for tomorrow.  
Yesterday during our devotion time I shared an excerpt for my study bible.  It is so good that I am going to send it to you for you to read as your new mantra!  

Making Friends with Change
"Change is not always an enemy.  It can be God's way of saying enough is enough.  He will promote you from one task to another.  If you can remain flexible and face the changes of life with the assurance of God, you will win.  It is God's desire to make you a wise person.  What I am trying to tell you is that life has a middle name and it's change.  Anything that grows will change."

I will continue to share more of this story tomorrow dark and early!  Enjoy your day!  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!    Thank you so much for the blessings you bring to my life.  

See you dark and early,

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