Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Dear Campers,
Just wanted to remind you that your goal this week is to fan those fierce flames deep within yourself.  Turn a spark into an inferno!  Create an energy around youself that makes everyone curious about your fierce little secret of fantastic nutrition.  You did such a great job yesterday with the "Burpee/Magic Number Workout!"  I am so proud of you.  Lisa Gossard did such a good job that she has burpee blisters on her hands!   I told her that was very impressive!  I would love to hear your reflections about yesterdays workout and about how your journey with the Daniel diet is going. 
Thank you to Roger and Kathryn Arababi for the invitation to the Daniel Celebration Feast this Friday night.  I will get you directions and more information soon, so clear your calendar now.   Start to plan the vegan delight that you will bring to share with the group.  I am so excited.  Also, backpacks full of beans will be the theme this Friday, so please add that to your shopping list. 
I have another fun trick up my sleeve for tomorrow.  See you dark and early.

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