Thursday, March 29, 2012

Invitation for the Boot Camp Gathering

Dear Campers,
As I posted on Facebok yesterday, I want you to know that the deck is stacked in your favor as you found out from the workout on Wednesday.  I hope that you made the connection between the card game and the attitude that Daniel embraced through each FIERCE situation that he found himself in.  I say it again, the deck is stacked in your favor if you allow God to do the shuffling.
Tomorrow is Backpacks of Beans day at RBC.  It will be outstanding.  It was asked that we place the beans inside a grocery sack before wrapping them in the towel.  This will make transportation and distribution easier for the volunteers.  This is such a unique ministry that RBC brings to Granbury First United Methodist Church and I say thank you in an unstoppable way!
Also, just a reminder about the photo shoot with the Hood County News will be at 7:00 AM on Saturday morning at the church.  I would love to have as many of you as possible to help celebrate this program in a very public way.  Please, please, please!   This is an incredible opportunity for so many people to see what you do to live a FIERCE life!   You are going to have people all over town saying, "I wanna be, I wanna be!" 
Below is the invitation to the feast at the Arababi's home tomorrow night.   It will be a beautiful night to celebrate our faith, our friends and out fitness.  

See you dark and early tomorrow.

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