Thursday, March 29, 2012

Invitation for the Boot Camp Gathering

Dear Campers,
As I posted on Facebok yesterday, I want you to know that the deck is stacked in your favor as you found out from the workout on Wednesday.  I hope that you made the connection between the card game and the attitude that Daniel embraced through each FIERCE situation that he found himself in.  I say it again, the deck is stacked in your favor if you allow God to do the shuffling.
Tomorrow is Backpacks of Beans day at RBC.  It will be outstanding.  It was asked that we place the beans inside a grocery sack before wrapping them in the towel.  This will make transportation and distribution easier for the volunteers.  This is such a unique ministry that RBC brings to Granbury First United Methodist Church and I say thank you in an unstoppable way!
Also, just a reminder about the photo shoot with the Hood County News will be at 7:00 AM on Saturday morning at the church.  I would love to have as many of you as possible to help celebrate this program in a very public way.  Please, please, please!   This is an incredible opportunity for so many people to see what you do to live a FIERCE life!   You are going to have people all over town saying, "I wanna be, I wanna be!" 
Below is the invitation to the feast at the Arababi's home tomorrow night.   It will be a beautiful night to celebrate our faith, our friends and out fitness.  

See you dark and early tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Dear Campers,
Just wanted to remind you that your goal this week is to fan those fierce flames deep within yourself.  Turn a spark into an inferno!  Create an energy around youself that makes everyone curious about your fierce little secret of fantastic nutrition.  You did such a great job yesterday with the "Burpee/Magic Number Workout!"  I am so proud of you.  Lisa Gossard did such a good job that she has burpee blisters on her hands!   I told her that was very impressive!  I would love to hear your reflections about yesterdays workout and about how your journey with the Daniel diet is going. 
Thank you to Roger and Kathryn Arababi for the invitation to the Daniel Celebration Feast this Friday night.  I will get you directions and more information soon, so clear your calendar now.   Start to plan the vegan delight that you will bring to share with the group.  I am so excited.  Also, backpacks full of beans will be the theme this Friday, so please add that to your shopping list. 
I have another fun trick up my sleeve for tomorrow.  See you dark and early.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fierce Friday

Dear Campers,
Just a quick check in with you to ask how you are doing with your Daniel inspired nutrition plan?  I know that this is going to be difficult for many of you and I commend you for at least trying!   My breakfast this morning was a smoothie with frozen bananas, frozen grapes, frozen strawberries, 2 TBSP of Peanut Butter and a splash of almond milk.  It tasted like a peanut butter and banana sandwich!  I'm going to call it the Elvis from now on!   Try it tomorrow after RBC and see how delicious Daniel dieting can be!  You can do this...get creative and get inspired!  Be unstoppable!
I also wanted you to know that there will be opportunities for fantastic photos tomorrow morning at RBC!   Please do not go crazy with the primping.   It will be our Menielle taking the pics, not a stranger.  It will be the pictures that will be featured in the Hood County News Fit section in April.   Look your RBC best!
I am so proud of each of you.  This is a fierce challenge, but I believe that you will conquer the Lion just like Daniel did!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reflections from this morning...

Dear Campers,
Mr. Wiersbe says it like this, "If you want to make a living, you get training; and if you want to make a life, you add information and education.  But if you want to have a ministry for God, you must have devine gifts and devine help.  Training and education are very important, but they are not substitutes for the ability and wisdom that only God can give." - Warren W. Wiersbe
I say it like this, "Get a new skill to make you be better at your job; and learn something new to make your life "fierce".  Pray for God to reveal your devine gifts to you and then begin to use them.   Surround yourself with people that allow your gifts to sparkle!  Be brave in trusting the abilities that God gave you and rely on His unstoppable wisdom." - Amy McKay
I pray that your day be filled with little opportunities to be stronger, kinder, braver, unstoppable and FIERCE!  See you dark and early Friday.  Remember that we will meet on Monday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 14. 


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I wanna be like Daniel...

Dear Campers,
Hi my strong friends!  Great job with the workout yesterday.  I know that jumping over your weights, or anything, can be scary at times.  Thank you for responding with an open mind and lots of courage.  As we move into week three of this session of RBC, I wanted to take a moment and remind you that this week our focus is being just as brave as Daniel was.   As I continue to read and learn about all the wonderful things this man did, I am inspired to be stronger, more prayerful and braver.  In the book that I am reading about Daniel, the author, Warren Weirsbe, reminds us that, "when it comes to solving the problems of life, we must ask God for the courage to face the problem humbly and honestly, the wisdom to understand it, the strength to do what He tell us to do, and the faith to trust Him to do the rest."   
I would ask for your prayers of strength, kindness, bravery in an unstoppable way for the family of Amy Cline.  Amy died on Monday.  She had been battling stomach cancer for nine months.  He mother said it best when she said that, "Amy found victory over cancer" on Monday.  She was a 22 year old woman that was loved my so many in the Granbury and Tarleton communities.  She was studying to be a special education teacher at Tarleton and was going to graduate this May.  She was loved by so many children and our boys were two of them.   Amy's bravery and faith was the cornerstone of her story.   She will be missed.  Amy Cline lived FIERCE. 

See you dark and early,