Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Hi Campers,
You did great this morning with that 1 minute interval workout!   You can do anything for 1 minute and you proved it 52 times this morning.  If you have not become a "fan or liked" Revival Boot Camp on Facebook be sure to do that today.  It is another way for us to stay connected.  This morning I posted the findings of a study released today that revealed that Americans today are consuming 570 more calories each day than in 1977.  The study directly linked the increase in calories consumption to snacking and to portion obsession.   We have to stop the snacking.  When you feel the snack attack coming on,  realize that you are probably thirsty or bored.  So get up and think a new thought and chug 24 ounces of cool water.   In 1977, most Americans were sitting down at a table with their families and eating 3 meals a day!  Let's flash back and go retro in our approach to fueling our bodies.   Also, capture some time with your family by sitting down and being together sharing food and experiences..... turn the TV off!   
Now, as far as portions go...........picture a ziploc bag just bigger than sandwich size but not as big as a quart size.  Got it?  That is the size of a human stomach.  Hmmmmm, now rethink your meals.  Everything should be able to fit into that baggie.   We have a bad case of portion distortion that must be changed.   Focus on high quality nutrient rich foods for you and your family.  Give you and your family the nutrition advantage.   
Friday will be another kick in the pants workout!  Be sure to connect with those that you know we were missing.  Accountability and connection are the keys to RBC success.   Thank you for the energy that you brought to the workout this morning and for the love you bring into my life each time we are together.  Know that I will be praying for your safety, your strength and your success.

See you dark and early Friday,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Checking in

Dear Campers,
I hope that this email finds you feeling strong and fit this morning!  You did great with the workout yesterday and I have another action-packed and challenging workout planned for tomorrow.  You need to be there.  Many of you were missing yesterday.  If you are vacationing, you are excused, but if you were just lazy, fix it and make it happen for tomorrow.  
Yesterday during our devotion time I shared an excerpt for my study bible.  It is so good that I am going to send it to you for you to read as your new mantra!  

Making Friends with Change
"Change is not always an enemy.  It can be God's way of saying enough is enough.  He will promote you from one task to another.  If you can remain flexible and face the changes of life with the assurance of God, you will win.  It is God's desire to make you a wise person.  What I am trying to tell you is that life has a middle name and it's change.  Anything that grows will change."

I will continue to share more of this story tomorrow dark and early!  Enjoy your day!  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!    Thank you so much for the blessings you bring to my life.  

See you dark and early,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's a good day!

Hey Campers,
Great job with the challenging workout this morning!  This is just a quick note to invite you to a run/walk experience tomorrow morning.  There will be two groups leaving from the Y, one at 6:15 and one at 8:00.  Make plans to move tomorrow!

I am sitting in the Apple store right waiting for my new computer!   I will be sure to send you the scripture references very soon.

Just remember that when we make right decisions at the right time God will fill us with a sense of peace that is immeasurable.  

I am praying for your safety, your strength and your success.   See you dark and early Friday!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Great Monday

Dear Campers,
Happy Monday!   What a great job you did this morning!  It was so good to be with you.  If you are new to Revival Boot Camp (RBC), we welcome you to our 5:00 AM fitness, faith and fun experience.  During this session we will be studying the scriptures that high light the importance of living righteously.  This morning we defined righteous as being characterized by uprightness or morality; acting in a virtuous manner and/or absolutely genuine or wonderful.    The inspiration comes from the song by Jason Mraz, "Live High, Live Mighty, Live Righteously."  The first time I heard this song I loved it and have used the lyrics many times to remind me of the attitude I want to embrace in every situation I find myself in.  You will hear this song at the end of each workout in this session.   (That is 14 more times.  Yes, I am trying to get it stuck in your head!)  This song is so right that is worth replicating!    
This will be a great camp.  Remember that we are meeting MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY.  Please let me know if I can help you in any way.   Thank you for allowing me into your world.  It is such a pleasure.  I would also like to give many thanks to Granbury First United Methodist Church for being the gracious host of RBC.  Know that I am praying for your strength, your safety, and your success.


Friday, June 3, 2011


Hi campers,
I just had to say hi and keep your brains and bodies moving in a positive direction.  Today challenge yourself to stand up and then sit down in a chair quickly at least 100 times.  Do this without putting your hands on your thighs!  Just a way to keep your "rest time" in proper form!  Also, I wanted to let you know that there will be a group of runners and walkers departing the Y at 6:15 tomorrow morning.  Take advantage of the cool mornings while they are here.  Make plans to be there, I guarantee that there will be someone that moves at your exact pace, so don't be scared you will get left behind.  Check in with a buddy and make it happen.  During this break from RBC, I want to encourage you to take responsibility for the energy you bring to any situation.  Keep yourself in check and don't allow yourself to bring negative energy to any situations that you may find yourself in.  Create good and be OK with being uncomfortable.  Please know that I am always praying for your safety, your strength and your success.
