Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friday morning is on!

Dear Campers,
Thank you so much for all the love, prayers and understanding that each of your have given to me in the last few days.  Now I will share the reason why I could not be with you on Wednesday morning.  On Tuesday evening I was shaken by the news of the sudden death of the man that I mentioned to the group during Monday morning's devotion time.  Dr. Ron Newsome was one of my teachers while I was a student at TSU.  He became a mentors and dear friend when I started teaching at TSU in 1994.  He inspired me to be WEIRD.  He was the one that insisted that I spread the message of the 5 Love Languages toeveryone I knew.  During the two week break from RBC I spent many hours with this broken man trying to help put him back together.   Now I  know that sometime Sunday evening, he took his own life. 
The three things that I have learned from this heartbreaking experience are:
1.   The sooner in life that we learn and use the love languages the better our lives will be.
2.   Everyone deserves a second chance to change.
3.   Clinical depression is very real illness that can wreck your health and your life.  It is an illness that causes people to make desperate decisions.
In the last few weeks of his life, Ron Newsome was a changed man.  He invited God into his life.   I know this and God knows this, but the illness took him in the end.   Please continue to pray for his family and for me as I move through this experience.  I am thankful for the Quality Time I had with him in the last three weeks.  We spoke the same language. 
We will meet dark and early tomorrow and continue to put the items on the top shelf and see what other dialects we can learn together!  If you have not taken the assessment at the web site, please do so.   I am ready to see each of you.  See you tomorrow.


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