Friday, April 27, 2012

Don't interrupt

Dear Campers,
Great workout this morning!  Thank you for all three hours of Quality Time that we spent together this week.  I always feel like my cup has been filled after I have been with our group.  The last piece of the quality time puzzle is to close your mouth and not interrupt when someone is trying to tell you what is going on in their world.  Research says that most of us don't even give as few as 17 seconds to listen before we jump in.  As I told you this morning, this is one of my biggest hurdles to get over.  I am really working on it and would love to have each of you help keep me accountable.  
Next week (Mon.-Fri.) will be Daniel Diet week.  Let's get plugged back in to exceptional nutritional habits during week 3 of this week camp.  Hit the produce department to fill your basket and your stomach.  
There will be a group of runner and walkers leaving the Y tomorrow morning at 7:00.  We would love to have you join us.  Be sure to bring your's getting hot!
I wanted to share the chorus of the Cory Morrow song that has anchored this session.  I love the vibe of it.  Sometime it helps me to read and see the words.

Love will hold us together
make us a shelter to weather the storm.
And I'll be my brothers keeper
so the whole world will know that we're not alone.
This is the first day of the rest of your life.
This is the first day of the rest of your life.
Even in the dark we can still see the light.
It's gonna be alright.
It's gonna be alright!

Enjoy your weekend.  Make some Quality Time happen if your people need it.  See you dark and early Monday morning.

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