Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Journey home

Dear Campers,
Awesome job during the workout yesterday.  It always feels so good to start the week with a great story and and a good workout.  For me, it helps to set my priorities for the week that lies ahead.  If you have not checked in with your boot camp buddy in a few days, today would be the perfect day to reconnect and encourage our faithful, fit friends.
This morning in our biblical journey we learned that Naomi encouraged her daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpha to return to their parents homes.   She told them that she was going to return to Bethelehem because she had heard that the famine was over.  Naomi felt like she could live out the rest of her life in her old home town.  She thanked both of the girls for their love and service.  Orpha lovingly kissed Naomi goodbye and went on her way to return to her family, but Ruth insisted on staying with Naomi through the journey home and helping her build a new life in Bethelehem. 
Now is the time for introspection.....  Do you tend to be more like Orpha or Ruth?  Are there situations in life when it is okay to be like Orpha?  Do you have "Ruth" friends and "Orpha" friends?  Is a combination of the best possible situation?  Can an "Orpha" relationship still bring you joy?  What is the true lesson to be learned from the story?  Just think and pray about it and the answers will come. 
I don't know if you have seen the signs about the traffic being re-routed from 377 to 51 through the square.  I have called the Granbury Street Dept to find out exactly where the closure will be.  I think that 51 will be accessible by going by Decker Gym from the west and by the Post Office from the east.  They have not returned my call yet.  If those routes will not work, I will send another email to let you know.  It might be a good idea to give yourself an extra minute or two in the morning.  I can't wait to see you dark and early tomorrow morning.


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